Cricket star in Pakistani vote – News –


The first forecasts of four TV channels point to the Khans' ITP as the winner, with between 94 and 102 of the 272 sites in play. The PML-N is expected to power has between 40 and 58 seats, but forecasts are based only on about 10-15 percent of counted votes, reports Reuters

None of the parties should have its own majority in the National Assembly. a series of attacks that required more than 180 lives. Hundreds of thousands of police and military personnel have been deployed in the country's ballrooms. This did not prevent a new explosion on Wednesday morning, in the city of Quetta, in western Pakistan. The author attempted to enter a polling station and unleashed its explosion when police intervened to arrest him, local officials told AFP news agency

  Article Image [19659006] IMAGE: Muhammad Sajjad / AP / TT </span></p>
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A woman makes her voice heard in Peshawar when Pakistan stands for election

The death rate rose to 31 in the day

The Islamic State claims to be behind the attack in a statement by the propaganda body Amaq. The jihadist group also attacked earlier in July when a suicide bomber killed 149 people in a poll – one of the bloodiest in the history of Pakistan.

Refuses to be afraid

Fauzia Arshad, women's rights activist Part of PTI in Punjabi province says that despite the tense security situation, she refuses to feel fear .

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31 people were killed in the attack of a polling station in the city of Quetta, Pakistan. Now the polling stations are closed and the country is waiting for the first results.

All the measures taken to increase safety are absolutely exceptional. So I feel calm, says Fauzia Arshad to TT by phone from a punjabi vallokal

She believes in a victory for her party.

We worked hard to try to explain to people what is a welfare system and what

Tipped Victors

According to the final polls before election day, it seemed to be very equal between the former cricket star and playboy boy Imran Khans PTI and PML-N. However, several analysts have predicted that PTI could pull the biggest straw, which would mean a change of power in the poor nuclear weapon.

Kahn voted Wednesday morning in the suburbs of Islamabad and told the AFP agency that it was time to defeat the parties. The hostage of Pakistan for years. "

Entrepreneur Maryum Arif, the first voter to vote in a polling station in the metropolitan area of ​​Lahore, is on the government side of PML-N

He has served Pakistan well, she said at the time.

The good growth

PML-N can, among other things, support good economic growth and a flow of foreign investment during the party's ruling years.

But the scandal of former leader and prime minister Nawaz Sharif a few weeks ago was condemned for corruption, rocked the party, and its campaign has since been sought after by Shahbaz Sharif, Nawaz Sharif's brother.

The scandal has given impetus to Imran Khan and PTI Khan has chosen great promises to eradicate corruption, solve environmental problems and build a welfare state according to Islamic principles.

Finished [19659012] The campaign Khan was blackened by accusations that the country's powerful military left

The second party of the ruling party, the PPP party, has lagged behind in the waltz – but it can play an important role in as a guardian in parliament.

About 207 million Pakistani residents registered as voters.

The Vallokaler closed at 3 pm Swedish time and the winner should be appointed at midnight.

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