Criticism against the Sjögren after the action in TV4


Louise Hoffsten is at the center of the second part of "So better better". Twenty years ago, the artist was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

The neurological disease affects Louise Hoffsten's daily life and poses problems of coordination and balance.

"Every day is a fight for me as soon as I come out of the door, but on the other hand, I say," Do I want to stop living? "No, I do not want to. it may mean that you wrap and trample unconsciously. "It will be wrong sometimes." Rather than I live, "she said.

Louise Hoffsten was forced to bat: "Just starve"

In the program, Louise Hoffsten tells her that she has hit her nose several times because she has a problem with balance. Eventually, the artist realized that she needed help and started using a stick.

"When I had a nose in the asphalt, they found themselves at the detox center:" Louise will not use a stick or walker. "Then I borrowed a slip from the field, I went home with my husband and I just looked at her because there is so much identity, she said.

Hoffsten tells how her husband surprised her by decorating her jaw.

– Then my husband pimped my staff, I thought it was a great act of love. He hung a lot of leather thongs and made it cool. Something fun and beautiful so that I can have this jaw as an aid, a support in life.

Christer Sjögren refuses

According to Louise Hoffsten, she wants to become a support that gives power. The task of the day is to get colleagues to use spray paint, rosettes and stickers.

The participants are passionately involved in the task – besides Christer Sjögren who believes that the cat is not his forte. The other participants are annoyed by his refusal to stand on the symbolic gesture.

– You have finished? You have just touched two twisted scrolls. I think you've been a bit lazy, "says Ulise's" Great "Infant Azocar.

In front of Charlotte Perrelli, Christer Sjögren regrets to have begun to bleed and not to fool.

"Then there is a reason to hurry in," Perrelli said.

For the Express, Charlotte Perrelli explains why she told Sjögren in the TV4 program.

She says this about her actions:

– A little nonchig, she says, and continues:

"He's a little older, he may not have followed 45. Many parameters could make him think that this is not the funniest thing," she says.

Louise Hoffsten: "It was not a joke"

Louise Hoffsten thinks the incident was panicking.

– Big barked at him and commented. It was comical, everyone was working and doing good things. I do not really think he understands, it was not a joke, she said.

Expressen has applied for Christer Sjögren.

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