Criticism against Trump's reaction to the fires: "Reaction without heart"


The fires raging in California are the result of poor forest management, the deformation of US President Donald Trump on Saturday and the threat of removing federal money from the state. He quickly received answers from American firefighters and artists.

A spokesman for the California Fire Department calls Trump's statement "a dangerous mistake" and points out that 60% of California's forests are federally managed.

"It's the federal government that chose to use the resources of forest management, not California," Brain Rice said in a statement, according to ABC News.

"I thought it was a parody account"

The fires hit several famous sites and the Hollywood cell brothers, who are not usually big supporters of Trump's Republican Party, quickly criticized the president's statement.

"Honestly, I thought it was a parodic account, the city is burning and men and animals are dying," wrote actor Zach Braff in response.

"It's a heartless reaction, it's not even involved in politics," writes artist Katy Perry.

"As fires ravage the inhabitants and destroy their lives and their lives, the last thing we need is a president who criticizes our state.Just get the help we have "Do it now," wrote John F. Kennedy's sister, Maria Shriver, who had previously been married to Trump's party mate and former California governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Twittrade support

On Saturday afternoon, Donald Trump and Twittrade turned to those fighting the fire and people forced to evacuate and lost loved ones.

On Sunday morning, however, he returned to forest management and declared that with the proper care of the forests, "can we stop the devastation that is constantly occurring in California".

Up to now, 25 people have lost their lives in fires and more than 200,000 people have been forced to leave their homes.

Photo: twitter
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