Criticized by Trump Torture Appeal Board – SVT Journalist Now Receives PhD in Umeå


UMEÅ University Umeå has offered Carina Bergfeldt an honorary doctorate and declared that it "constitutes a counterweight to the current phenomenon of false news". Just before the ceremony, there was a glimmer of hope in the jewels box – The Radio and Television Review Board criticizes Bergfeldt's decision for the inconvenience caused by Donald Trump's report.

SVT's US journalist, Carina Bergfeldt, is one of two honorary doctorates promoted at the University of Umeå on Saturday. In the motivation for the appointment, the university writes:

"His reports, characterized by speed of execution and professionalism, contribute in an excellent way to the diffusion of knowledge on our contemporary time and counterbalance the current phenomenon of the false news."

But not everyone agrees that Bergfeldt's report is characterized by his "professionalism". She is now being criticized by the Supervisory Board of Radio and Television after a private person has denounced her for "false and misleading statements about Donald Trump."

Read also: I like the Left Party on Twitter – Carina Bergfeldt, SVT correspondent in the United States, in Blue Wolf

The notification concerned a specific feature of 12 January, when Bergfeldt claimed that Trump had introduced a "Muslim ban" and claimed that there were good people among the Nazis in Charlottesville.

The Examination Board criticizes the element and writes:

"The impact is criticized but fried.It is in violation of the requirement of impartiality".

The review board can be totally free, free of criticism or drop a piece.

The journalist writes:

"I want to point out that SVT and their US correspondent, Carina Bergfeldt, systematically declare that they are extremely negative and biased against US President Donald Trump." In an article, she said that Trump had introduced a "Muslim ban." , that there were "good people among the Nazis in Charlottesville, that black Americans who kneel under the national anthem are stupid.

Bergfelt thus gives a completely open minded opinion through its misleading and false statements and a dudgeon about Donald Trump, which violates Article 13 of the Broadcasting License. Regardless of what the SVT employers think of different politicians, the reports must be void, with no personal angles or opinions. "

Carina Bergfeldt has posted a tweet about a man kneeling in protest at Trump in the form of a stubborn tweet at the top of his Twitter account.

In her response to the jury, SVT claims that Carina Bergfeldt told the truth when she described him as being Donald Trump stating that he would introduce a Muslim ban and that he stated that There were some good people among the Nazis in Charlottesville. SVT writes:

"Respondents believe that the short story cited by the correspondent of Trump's controversial statements was incorrect or misleading for the content." SVT rejects this criticism. "It is in the nature of direct reporting that a reporter in a live broadcast There is neither the time nor the ability to literally quote each sentence in various statements, interviews, figures, etc. However, of course, short and fast summaries must have representative and material content, as is the case. "

Donald Trump has already stated that the United States should ban the entry of Muslims into the United States. No general prohibition has been mentioned. An entry ban from some Muslim countries has been introduced since, including in Libya, Iran and Somalia, but not in some countries such as Saudi Arabia. Two non-Muslim countries have also been listed – Venezuela and North Korea.

News Today, Carina Bergfeldt and the University of Umeå are looking for.

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