Dantorp: "I always get clumsy"


The Division 1 match with Falkenberg was replaced by the British Open.
Jens Dantorp gets his arm pinched
– I still feel a little weird when I think back to what happened on Sunday, he says. 19659004] Dantorp with the caddian Ray Robinson
Photo: Martin Hardenberger

We played together the Junior wave on a few occasions
Then I joined the United States for studies and Jens Dantorp for professional life. Four years ago, our roads were crossed.
Dantorp competed in the Oman Challenger final and missed a spot on the European circuit with as little margin as possible – one shot. I was there and I wrote about it
As if that was not enough, the same story was repeated a year later
I was back in place to write about the finals in Oman.
with a shot.
– It's boring. I hope to have the chance to accept another time, says Dantorp and comforted by his Swedish colleagues.

On Sunday, he had this battle on his side.
He ended up sharing three of them at the Scottish Open. He shared the spot with Trevor Immelman, but earned the spot in the Open Championship thanks to better world rankings.
– I was surprised that I managed to keep calm throughout the week. I had the knife on the throat because it was also the last big race before the playoffs. And doing good things on such a contest means a lot, with money and points, for the whole season.
– I was nervous and had expectations, but I managed to approach them rather well by having fun and chatting with me. Caddy Roy (Robinson). I was a little more laid back than usual, what happened was supposed to happen, but at the same time I knew I was playing golf well

"Still Got Goosehead"

When We Go to Carnoustie during Tuesday's training session, Dantorp tells us he did not know if third place would be enough for The Open of the Week – his first major
– I can still go here and feel like I'm getting a little wacky when I think about last week and the fact that it gives a calm for the rest of the season.
– It's a pleasure to come to such a competition and feel that you have no obligation to perform. I know now that if I just do the right things, I can play well.

READ MORE: Dantorp has won the fight against rheumatism

He looks relaxed as he goes out on the fairways to stone hair of Canourstie.
Like he
He tells us that Cadet Ray Robinson usually says that the ball lands "softly like a dog kit" and, in turn, taught the younger to say "very good, the rubber nodded."

– If you do not have a good self-esteem, it's harder to put technology, but if you do not have a good technique, you can not beat the battle and you do not can not gain confidence. But for me it has been a lot for the skull these days.
– It was nice to end up in the mental game in four rounds. I've had a lot of tricks that have been mentally good during the season, but had until Scotland failed to keep the skull cold for a whole race. Succeed was a good confirmation that if you do the right things, you get paid.

Photo: TT

Played with the past Mondial

After the weekend's success in Gullane, about two hours away, Dantorp checks out Carnoustie Golf Hotel 30 meters from his tee
C & # 39 was expensive like seventeen, but what did he do?
His first major was around the corner.
And he also had three million in the bank account. On Monday, Jens Dantorp Carnoustie was sold with big winner and former world leader David Duval
– He was rather laid-back and takes the game for what he is. I often think that it is a key to playing well. So it is not as good today as it was then.
What do you have to place when you make a big start?
– I agree with the attitude that if I can go play aggressive golf then it will be fine. My goal is just to behave as well as I can to myself. I just want to do the right things.
He also did the right things during Tuesday's practice round: Dantorp regularly birdied

When we finish our conversation, they enlarge the bleachers around the 18th green thumb of Carnoustie. At 15h15 Thursday, Swedish time, Jens Dantorp hits his first major.
When he comes back to where we are now, the stands will be bumpy.
– It will be a crazy frame. Not to mention the Sunday afternoon, it had been pretty awesome …

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