Data: 100 million migrants are calculated for the EU


BRUSSELS The European Union is expected to receive 100 million more immigrants in the next 60 years. This is according to the most likely scenario that the European portal paints. At the same time, the report shows that the population of Sweden will increase by more than 40%.

The population of Europe is increasing – and the main reason for this increase is spatial immigration. In 2017, Sweden had the third highest population increase in the EU of 1.24%. Only Malta (3.29%) and Luxembourg (1.90) increased more last year.

In other countries such as Latvia (-0.81%), Croatia (-1.18) and Lithuania (-1.38%)) Decline in population, reports the European portal [19659003] A population can increase or decrease because of the natural change in population – the difference between the number of births and deaths over a given period of time or through migration. Seen in the EU, population growth has occurred through significant immigration. The numbers indicate that the number of immigrants was five times the number of births minus the deaths.

Stockholm Grows up

Eurostat, which published new statistics at the time, also pointed to regional differences in EU countries. For example, Stockholm County has experienced population growth twice as high as Sweden's average in the 21st century. In Germany, it is found that the decrease in the number of inhabitants is the largest in East Germany

The country with the highest birth rates is Ireland, which explains why that the population has been growing in Europe since the beginning of the millennium. Sweden recorded the sixth largest increase in the corresponding period.

Eurostat also made different estimates of population development until 2080. In the most likely scenario, the population will grow from 513 to 518 million. Then you included the calculation of 100 million migrants. Without immigration, the population of the EU will decrease to 408 million.

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