Dead house owner dead wins local election in Nevada


The Nevada constituency announced Tuesday night that the 72-year-old Republican – who presented himself as an "American hello" – had knocked out his democratic rival, Lesia Romanov, to the length. 68% of the constituents in the constituency in question were convinced that Hof was their nominee for the candidacy of the state of Nevada, the lowest of the two houses of the state parliament.

The local newspaper
Las Vegas Review The paper notes, however, that it "turned out that Lesia Romanov was the only candidate with the pulse in reserve during the election campaign in District 36, while that was not enough to defeat the late owner of the Council, Dennis Hof ".

It should be noted that the district, located northwest of the city of Las Vegas, is a strong Republican fortress.

The paper suggests that right-wing voters in cities such as Rachel, Crystal Springs, Hiko, Alamo, Coyote Springs, and Pahrump probably knew that their candidate was dead. In any case, they chose to vote for Dennis Hof, rather than letting a living candidate representing the red-minded Democrats win.

Or darkened bluewe can say, when the red color of American politics represents the Republicans and the blue the Left Democrats.

– This will be another footnote in the history of Nevada: we voted for a dead man, commented Eric Herzik, professor and head of the Department of Political Science at the University of Nevada at Reno. , on the strange story.

According to the Reuters news agency, Dennis Hof owned a strip club and drove several brothels into a highly permissive state. During an interview in the republican brothel of Pahrump's hometown, Hof said his political success was parallel to that of President Donald Trump in the same field.

Dennis Hof was found dead On October 16, in a bed of one of his brothels, Love Ranch in Crystal, near Pahrump.

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