Democrats demand that Trump stop meeting Putin


Just three days before the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, news of the pursuit of twelve Russian agents prompted many people in Washington to request the meeting.

Chuck Schumer, Democratic Speaker of the Senate, said: A furious comment on Friday:

– These lawsuits are further evidence of what everyone except the president seems to understand. Putin is an enemy who intervened in our presidential election to help Trump win.

Schumer now, with dozens of Democrats in Congress, demanded that Trump set Monday's meeting. Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, said the accusation "specifies that the meeting with Putin is both insignificant and dangerous". Even Senator John McCain, as the only Republican in Congress, demanded that Trump cancel the meeting if he is not ready to confront Putin about the prosecution.

But otherwise was silent Republican leaders. Trump's own staff said that the meeting will certainly take place. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, spokesperson at the White House, told the NBC news channel that the meeting time is still valid as scheduled. One of Trump's associates says the probability of the meeting is zero percent.

The announcement Friday that 12 prosecutors have been prosecuted for crimes related to the 2016 US presidential election is the most dramatic development of the special prosecutor Robert Mueller. examination. This is the first time that Russian government officials are directly accused of the cyberattack against the Democrats, which could have cost Hillary Clinton's election. The previous accusations related to the Internet Research Agency based in St. Petersburg, the Internet Research Agency, which is related to the Russian state, but does not work directly for them.

Read more: Russian participation in the elections of Helsinki

Thus, according to the investigation of Robert Mueller, it is now clear that not only the Russian citizens but the Russian government were behind the historical attempts to influence US presidential election.

So it's not surprising that Washington Democrats are now wondering if Trump should actually meet Putin. The meeting is being held in a closed room without any insight from the media, advisers or diplomats, which was controversial even before Mueller's recent lawsuit was known. Congressional Democrats fear that Trump will not use the meeting to put Putin into account for the crimes his government is now charged with.

President Trump also seems to have continued to say positive things about Vladimir Putin even after he was told about the accusation. According to Rod Rosenstein, the US Deputy Justice Minister who released the charge at a press conference on Friday, Trump has been aware of this for several days. Nevertheless, Trump has spent the past few days continuing to talk about Vladimir Putin with hot words. For example, Trump called Putin for a "friend," while the Russian government described Trump as a "partner."

Although few Republicans are willing to support Democrats' demands. To stop the meeting with Putin, so many people have seen the prosecution as a chance to raise their vote against Russia. Senator Marco Rubio wrote an article for debate this week with Mark Warner, an influential Democrat from the Senate Intelligence Committee, who warned that Russia would also try to influence the legislative elections in the United States this fall

. Now we are in 2018 and we have no excuses. We must be ready, "writes the two senators.

Read more:" The Russian attack on American democracy is historic "

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