Denmark withdraws aid to Tanzania


Paul Makonda, Governor of Dar Es Salaam and according to
The BBC "A powerful ally" of the country's president, John Magufuli, has asked residents to denounce homosexuals to the police and set up a commission to punish HGBQ and prostitutes. One thing the Tanzanian government said does not fit with his views.

Organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have repeatedly warned that the rights of HGBQ people are not respected in the country.

Earlier in the day, the Swedish Foreign Ministry called on the Tanzanian ambassador to a severe reprimand. In many other EU countries, the same has been done to protest against the negative democratic development and treatment reserved for people in the country.

Denmark now chooses also withdraw 65 million Danish Kroner, or 89 million Swedish, as aid to Tanzania. Danish Development Minister Ulla Tørnæs has not called on anyone as a reason to act, but said on Twitter that it was "totally unacceptable homophobic statements".

Tørnæs also planned a trip to this country of East Africa, reports
DR. Denmark is Tanzania's second largest aid donor.

Read more: The Tanzanian Ambassador, led by the UD in a joint demonstration of the EU

Leaders: taxpayers should not sue homosexuals

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