SWEDEN The Feminist Initiative announces continued confidence in its parliamentary candidate, Oldoz Javidi, who made an anti-Semitic statement in an interview.
Ri's candidate Riksdag is accused of anti-Semitism – wants all Israelis to be moved to the United States
He was in an interview for Feminist Perspective magazine as Oldoz Javidi says about his "solution to 'dream' about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
– My unofficial opinion as an individual is a little more based on fantasy. Israel has occupied another country. Lead people to flee from their own homes, take their land and steal their lives and their freedom. There is nothing defensible in all this. The best friend of Israel is the United States, another infernal regime with vast areas. So why not invite friends and make room for them on the farm? They seem to be good in the company of each other. And Palestinians can live in peace and rebuild the land that belonged to them, I can at least dream of such a solution or how?
The piece was removed from the interview because it "contradicted the publicist practice" and "may be interpreted as anti-Semitic". On social media, many responded strongly to the statement, which was very correctly interpreted as an eruption of Judah's hat.
Continued Confidence
Javidi Oldoz himself stated that the statement was "unacceptable" and that she regretted. His party, Feminist Initiative, announced Tuesday that "the solution proposed by Javier to the conflict is taken"
"Antisemitic statements are unacceptable and they lack foundation in our politics and our fundamental values. never be accepted Our policy is for long-term peace and a two-state solution, where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side, "the party writes.
The party's government still trusts Oldoz Javidi But you also think that you must "take steps to make the whole party aware of anti-Semitism."
Mandatory Studies
"We are already in the process of decide that our anti-racism study circle should be updated and reinforced by knowledge of anti-Semitism and should be mandatory for all. "In 1965, schoolchildren went to the Auschwitz concentration camp for many years to understand the anti-Semitism and the terrible consequences it may have.
See also: Fi politicians wanted to take a spa trip to Auschwitz – Nazi criticism
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