Disney sparkar James Gunn after tweets stötande –


Marvel har James Gunn along with his first Marvel-filming album på. Att plocka fram The Guardians of the Galaxy are playing men's games. Planen var att låta Gunn regissera den tredje filmen också (första utkastet var precis skrivet) naked men verkar det som att är kört. Offensive attitudes and statements found on James 'Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio values, and the offensive attitudes and statements found on James' Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio values, and

Innan James Gunn raderade sitt konto skrev han följande:

"Many people who have followed my career know when I started, I considered myself a provocateur, making movies and telling stories. Scandalous and taboo jokes As I have often said publicly, as I have done as a person, my work and my humor have also made it. "

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