DN about Maria "Wild Heart" Summer Rat from Westerberg


In fact, I want to listen to the summer rat of Maria "Wild Heart" Westerberg on the outside, under a walk in fresh forest, or next to the water. Instead, I'm inside, with the radio when she describes the mole of a mole's mole or the pins in the woods she's coming home from. There are nails whose artist Maria Westerberg has become famous – she chooses them, has exhibited several times at the Värmlands Museum. When she collects sticks, she collects herself too, she says. "These are small finds of no particular value that become essential together," she says, and it will also be an image for the program.

In the summer parade Maria Westerberg shares with impressions of the thermal forest of . Listeners are allowed to follow an "improvised radio stream" – in the background, chirping birds and high winds – through the forest and Maria Westerberg's imagination. She finds patterns and animals in the leaves and branches, tastes on the water and explains how the forest penetrates her tongue. "Words agitate," she says, as something that scolds and grows. He also makes music, especially Maria Westerberg's own words, written by her husband Johannes Söderqvist and Frida Granström.

Maria Westerberg speaks of her depression as thirty years and how the forest has shown her something new, changed her vision of happiness and life. may be. But with the love of the forest comes also a responsibility and a mission – Westerberg strongly criticizes the forest industry and declares that we are not human "and have never been the crown of creation. " The species disappear, the nature becomes homogeneous and the culture of silence prevails. "Say what you want from forestry in today's forestry," says Maria Westerberg

Maria Westerberg's Summer Rat manages to show a living and complicated forest and explain why we need to protect it . It is nice to listen to his "improvised radio stream" as a listener.

"Summer in P1" airs at 1:00 pm every day and podcast at 7:00 am Here you can read the comments of DN on the programs as they were sent . [ad_2]
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