DN Martin Linin on the summit between Trump and Putin


It is said that Donald Trump's secret meeting with Vladimir Putin was arranged even though the presidential advisor tried to stop him. Much of Trump's decision with respect to Russia goes without consulting the political staff of the President or his Republican colleagues.

When Vladimir Putin was re-elected president in March, in an election process unjustly called by international observers, Trump's adviser to He there in big letters insisted that he would not congratulate Putin. Nevertheless, Trump has become one of the first world leaders to do it.

– There is nothing that can stop it. If he wants a meeting with Putin, he will have a meeting with Putin, said one of Trump's close associates in New Yorker.

The negotiations for the Helsinki meeting in Helsinki should have started immediately after Trump's controversial congratulations to Putin in March. Trump would have first proposed the White House as a meeting place, while Putin proposed Austria, whose leader Sebastian Kurz is in favor of an approach to Russia. Helsinki has become a neutral compromise

Just like Trump and Putin's meeting last year about the G20, no one but the presidents and their respective interpreters are present in the room . This secret touch has sped up speculation that Trump wants to hide something about the relationship with Putin.

The Kremlin tried to soften the expectations of the meeting by saying that we should not expect "breakthroughs". But Putin and Trump already seem to be agreeing on several foreign policy goals. Before the week, Trump asked, as a surprise to the US foreign affairs establishment, that Russia be re-approved as a member of the G8.

Trump did not seem to worry that the United States is demanding the exclusion of Russia after the annexation of Crimea. In several key political issues Trump was close to Putin's ambitions. It is trade policy, where its new expanded functions have created a deep divide between the EU and the United States. It concerns its immigration policy and its nationalist agenda, like the right-wing parties in Europe, Russia providing financial support. During a campaign in Montana last week, Trump said that the EU was created to "exploit the United States" and in a private conversation with Emmanuel Macron he should have urged France to leave the EU. when Trump promised to offer "a better deal" with the United States.

Putin and Trump already seem to be agreeing on several foreign policy goals. Before the week, Trump, in anticipation of the US foreign affairs establishment, demanded that Russia be re-approved as a member of the G8.

Trump reluctantly approved new sanctions against Russia after long attempts. He insisted on maintaining good relations with Putin and suggested that the two countries collaborate on a global cybersecurity project on electoral processes, despite Russia's attacks on the United States in the previous presidential election

. during the year. In several campaign discussions during the summer he seriously attacked the military alliance, and in a context he should have said that "NATO is as bad as Nafta", the Accord de North American free trade, which Trump wants to abolish

and Defense Minister Leon Panetta, who worked under several US presidents of both parties, said at a conference in Washington that he was deeply worried about Trump's meeting with Putin

– I worked with three presidents. that Russia is an enemy trying to undermine Western democracy. It's pretty obvious. Nevertheless, Trump does everything to defend Putin. I'm afraid this president just does not understand that Russia is an enemy, Panetta said.

Putin should also take sanctions against Russia, demanding that US arms deliveries in Kiev be reduced, as well as free hands for Russia in Syria.

Single Republicans in Congress criticized Trump for the inappropriate relationship with Putin.

Senator John McCain has, as one of the few Republicans, demanded that Trump fix the meeting with Putin if he is not ready to confront him with the prosecution of Russia. intervention in US elections

Lindsay Graham, Republican Senator in South Carolina, has already accused Trump of having a "blind spot" when it comes to Russia. In a television interview before the meeting of the week, Graham stressed that Trump must remember that "NATO is his friend and Russia his enemy."

– When Putin denies his participation in the 2016 elections, challenges him. Do not let it deny the evidence. They are already trying to jeopardize the legislative elections in the fall, Graham told Fox News.

Even after Trump received information on the prosecution of the 12 Russian agents, he expressed his positive opinion about Putin. At a performance in England this week, he described Putin as a "friend" despite the pirates' attack on the United States by Russia.

However, we will not know if Trump and Putin have discussed these issues or not. journalists will attend the meeting

Read more: Putin already victorious in front of the Trump Summit

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