Do we hear the call of Pittsburgh, Malmo, Iran and Gaza?


Saturday morning, people gathered for worship in the synagogue Tree of Life in the area of ​​Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh. According to AP, there should have been a lot of people up on Saturday morning because a naming ceremony would take place. People from different phases of life, with different backgrounds and experiences. Women and men, adults and children, retirees and babies, families and singles. But with one thing in common: they were all Jews.

Then it happens unimaginable. Robert Bowers, 46, enters the synagogue. He is armed with an automatic weapon and three small arms. And then he starts shooting at people. He kills at least eleven people and injures several others before the police arrive and manage to arrest him and seize him. According to Expressen, the head of security in Pittsburgh describes the crime scene as "one of the worst I've ever seen".

The investigation will clarify the more specific reasons for the synagogue attack. But already, it is possible to draw conclusions. A New York Times article clarifies the buildings of Robert Bower's destructive thinking.

On the net, and especially in the high-tech social network Gab, Bowers spread hatred against immigrants and Jews. He notably argued that the Jews are "the enemy of the white people". In his presentation on Gab, he stated that "Jews are the children of Satan". Just before going to attack, he sent a last message: "I can not stand by and watch my people get slaughtered, go see your optics, I'll come in." The message is sunny: people do not see what is happening and so Bowers had to take things in hand.

Police also said that Bowers should have called "all Jews must die" just before he starts shooting. Bowers' general motivation was simply to kill Jews. Because only the Jews, according to Bower's confused logic, are the enemies of the white people and children of Satan. What happened in Pittsburgh must be considered an act of anti-Semitic hatred.

The antisemitic is the same angry as illogical. We have seen it in history. In the Middle Ages, Jews were accused of spreading death by poisoning by poisoning wells. In the 1930s – with social warwinism – Jews were accused of being a threat to the survival of the Aryan race. The judges were accused of controlling the banks and the media, undermining the social order and being "the murderer of Christ". The attacks came from right and left. The communists and the Nazis united at one time: the hatred of the Jews.

In Europe The bell rings for a long time. In 2015, 8,000 Jews left France because of the rise of anti-Semitism. In Sweden, Malmö has attracted international attention because of the hostile atmosphere towards the Jews. A survey conducted in 2016 by Lars Denick and Karl Marosi shows that 60% of Jews in Sweden consider antisemitism as a very or rather big problem. The researchers discovered that it is "anti-Semitism derived from Israel" which is particularly evident in Sweden. Judges are blamed for the supposed or true action of the state of Israel and its allies.

The fire attack on the Göteborg synagogue in December 2017 is an example. On the eve of the attack, there was a demonstration in Malmö, where, among other things, slogans were called in Arabic: "We want to regain our freedom and we are going to slaughter the Jews". The protest took place in response to Donald Trump's statement that he would move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. The following evening, several men threw at least one Palestinian citizen and a Syrian citizen, burning objects against the Gothenburg synagogue, where some thirty young Jews gathered to celebrate Hanukkah. The young Jews of Sweden are attacked because of the relocation of the Trump Embassy. Where is the logic in? But hatred is often not logical.

The antisemitic slogan is also heard in the Middle East. In Iran, an hourly festival takes place every year, until 2040, hoping and believing that Israel will cease to exist. The themes of this year's festival included "Israel, a vulgar cancer", "the Zionist regime that raises children" and "the occupier of Jerusalem, Israel will not survive the next 25 years".

Gaza continues Hamas leaders must revive the population against Israel. Until recently, they have inscribed "the wreck of Israel" in their statutes. And in practice, they work constantly for that. On this weekend, Israel again suffered a shower of rockets. The rockets come from Gaza and are directed against Jewish civilians. A number of Islamic actors seem to be responsible for the rockets and the attacks are motivated by ideological reasons: Israel must be destroyed and the Jews will die.

Hated against the Jews and hatred against Israel – the ultimate sanctuary of the Jews – is closely linked in Sweden, the United States and the Middle East. We must see it and understand it. Ideological slogans often lead to someone deciding to concretize the words. The theft that will cause the deaths of Jews – Bowers in Pittsburgh, protesters in Malmo, the hourglass festival in Iran and Hamas leaders in Gaza – should wake us up. We must respond vigorously to all forms of anti-Semitism.

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