Dogs die in hot cars – the vet gets


In half an hour, the temperature in the car will increase the height.

Finally, the veterinarian will no longer be able to leave the car.

With viral video, she wants to convey an important message: dogs die in hot cars

Despite repeated warnings, veterinarians can take care of the majority of dogs by car or car in parking every summer. really reach with the message, decided a British veterinarian to conduct a small experiment. The film in which veterinarian Zephanie Woodward locks herself in a car has been widely broadcast on social media.

Equipped with a timer and a thermometer, it shows how quickly the temperature reaches the outside of the car. Even though it was possible to look at the vet's face to understand the unusual climate of the car.

"I could have evacuated the sweat from my shirt," the veterinarian replies to one of the many comments from Shepherd's Facebook page on Veterinary Hospital.