Dominika Peczynski and Anders Borg spared



Last Saturday, Dominika Peczynski and the former Finance Minister, Anders Borg, got married.

But there was a concern for the wedding that took place in the Jewish Assembly in Stockholm.

"You do not want to advertise in advance when you are there for security reasons," says Dominika Peczynski at Nöjesbladet.

On Saturday, the singer and entrepreneur married Dominika Peczynski with her love Anders Borg during a romantic ceremony at the Jewish Assembly in Stockholm.

A black veil was however during the day. Dominika has already expressed her fear that the wedding will take place in the Jewish synagogue.

She did not even want it to be somewhere where it should be, for fear of being attacked.

– You do not want to advertise in advance when you are there for security reasons. For example, I'm thinking of Akilov who searched for synagogues on Google when he wanted to do his deeds. There have been such attacks in Denmark, Belgium and France, among others, so I'm just awesome, she said earlier.

Just a few weeks ago, a man killed 11 people in a synagogue in Pittsburgh, United States. The man shouted "death to all the Jews" by doing the act.

Whereas there was also some concern among the guests.

Per Schlingmann, former secretary of the moderate party, knows Dominika and worried about possible attacks.

"I understand that Dominika has thought about that, my philosophy of life is that you should not worry, and then of course you have to act and be careful.

Former Labor Market Minister Sven-Otto Littorin said:

"Now you have to look at the shelves if you want someone.

Nyamko Sabuni, former minister:

– I do not fear anything today and assume that security measures have been taken.

MEP Fredrick Federley is of a different opinion.

"I feel worried every time I go here, I usually stay here, even for jubilees and freedom." At one of them, it was the 90-year-old's birthday. the survivors have been forced to return to the party in Berns, so of course there is a concern, there is certainly a threat also against this particular marriage, but we must be able to relax today. we can not do anything about it From this point of view, it is important that Dominika and Anders choose to be here despite the images of threats and not to come back from hatred and hate.

After the wedding, Dominika Peczynski was relieved.

– Nothing happened and it was very good.

Married stars in 2018 0:43

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