Donald Trump and his children are being prosecuted for fraud


The mood was filed yesterday in a New York court, according to New York Times and CNN. The president and his children should have marketed three companies as "promising business opportunities" in exchange for secret payments.

To be deliberately deceived

The companies engaged in, among other things, vitamins and health products, and organized seminars to explain what was behind Trump's successes.

According to the lawsuit, Trump will "deliberately mislead" people about the quality of business investments, while they have caused harm to an investor who, in many cases, was already experiencing a financial crisis.

Call for political motivation

The four people at the origin of the atmosphere were kept anonymous by their legal representatives. As the atmosphere is funded by the nonprofit Tesseract Research Center, whose president has supported several Democrat candidates, many believe that there are political motives. The people behind the atmosphere mean, however, that it happens now because it is ready.

Donald Trump has already been charged with similar fraud.

Shortly after the 2016 presidential election, he paid out $ 25 million in conciliation after the Trump University program, which promised students to learn the secrets of the university. company, was accused of fake marketing.

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