Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin launch meeting in Helsinki


At 1 pm on Monday, Swedish time, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met for a joint press conference at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki. The two presidents shook hands. Trump looked nice to Putin.

– It's very nice for me to meet you here in Helsinki. We have always had contacts, talked on the phone and met at international gatherings. Of course, it is now time to speak concretely about our relations and various problems in the world, said Mr. Putin in his opening speech.

Trump spoke significantly longer . He began praising Putin for what he described as one of the most successful world championships in football through the ages.

– Congratulations on this fantastic World Cup. Everyone says it's one of the best ever done. I watched the finals and semifinals, it was spectacular, said Trump.

– We have a lot to tell. Everything from trade and military issues to missiles, nuclear weapons and China. I think we now have the opportunity to be together … because two countries have, in principle, very poorly agreed recently. In too long. But I think we will be able to have an extraordinary relationship. Agreeing with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing, said Trump in a sentence that he said earlier.

– I really think the world wants us to agree. We are the main nuclear forces, 90% of the world's nuclear weapons belong to us. That's not a good thing, it's a bad thing, says Trump.

Putin, who kept a neutral face, nodded.

– I hope we can do something about it. This is not a positive force, it is a negative force. So we will talk about it. The world is waiting. I look forward to our personal discussions that are starting now. Then we will meet our staff. We have a lot of questions and hope we will have answers. That's the main thing. "It's great to be here with you," said Trump, once again in contact with Putin.

The atmosphere was still very serious.

The meeting should have started at noon, but Putin was late in Helsinki and was arriving at the Helsinki airport only shortly after noon.

Donald and Melania Trump arrived Sunday night, arriving directly from the UK where they were officially visited during the weekend.

Text is being updated.

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