Download Dawit Isaak now, Löfven


DEBATT | DAWIT ISAAK It is time for Prime Minister Stefan Löfven or Foreign Minister Margot Wallström to visit Eritrea and meet the imprisoned journalist Dawit Isaak

For now, it's time for the Dawit regime

The reason is the rapid peace process between Ethiopia and Eritrea that has been launched in recent weeks.

100,000 victims of death

In a short time, the two presidents of both countries went to Asmara and Addis Ababa. Eritrea has already opened an embassy in Ethiopia. Bus and bus lines will soon circulate between countries. The conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea, which required nearly 100,000 deaths nearly 20 years ago, seems over. The Eritrean regime, considered unfairly treated by international corporations, clearly shows the joy of the last days. We could even see something and another smile on the lips of the despotic Eritrean president, Isaias Afewerki.

READ MORE: Dawit Isaak Victim of the Silent Diplomacy of the World

Subterranean Prison

The Peace Agreement on Frontier Disputes between Ethiopia and Eritrea horns, but most importantly, enough for just over five million Eritrean people. The questions are many: the horror company that the whimsical Afewerki has created to go away? Will we finally organize free and democratic elections with a multi-party system? Will military service for life be abolished so that young people no longer need to fly to Eritrea? Eritrea is about to allow complete freedom of expression?

The peace agreement means that all prisoners, including the Swedish poet, journalist and father Dawit Isaak, have been placed in secret prisons in Eritrea since September 2001, without a lawyer, without trial and without family visits.

The family was deprived of any information

Although we have both followed the development of Eritrea since its birth more than a quarter of a century ago, it has not had any information. It's not easy to answer all these questions. But for the first time, we hope that there will soon be a breakthrough for political prisoners in Eritrea, as was the case recently in Ethiopia, particularly in the Dawit Isaak case.

READ MORE: Using the power of the EU to release Dawit

According to the latest data, Dawit passes the days in a small cell three times three meters to the prison of Eiraeiro, without contact with the outside world. We are almost sure that he lives despite the fact that his family has been deprived of any information about Dawit's fate for more than a decade. For example, two weeks ago, Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh told the French radio channel RFI that Dawit Isaak was living and that he should be brought to justice. Even the Minister of Justice of Eritrea Fozia Hashim pointed out this fall that Dawit is living and "his business has become more political than legal". Despite all these promises, Asmara unfortunately refused to introduce Dawit Isaak to the media, lawyers or his family.

Back to Gothenburg

But now other winds blow in Eritrea. With the peace agreement, the Eritrean leader, Afewerki, feels safe. And we know that in a country where the law has long been stopped, just a few words from Afewerki to allow Dawit to reunite with his family

For Eritrea to release and save Dawit Isaak, the Sweden must also strongly oppose it. whimsical scheme of Eritrea. It is not too late for the Foreign Minister or the Swedish Prime Minister to meet Swedish prisoner Dawit Isaak in prison, or to demand that Dawit Isaak be exhibited – and that he can return at his home in Gothenburg.

Much asked for a man who failed for nearly 17 years, by a country that granted him refugee status and protection more than three decades ago.

By Kurdo Baksi

Author and Social Debator

Meron Estefanos

Swedish-Eritrean journalist [19659024] [ad_2]
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