Ducks suffered from mysterious mass death


In one of the Pildammsparken ponds, up to 50 meadows were recently found dead,

SVA, the National Veterinary Office, estimates that the ducks have suffered from botulism. This is a problem caused by poisoning with neurotoxic botulinum toxin, which is formed by a bacterium. Botulism leads to paralysis because it affects the nervous system.

– Under certain circumstances, much of the oxygen is consumed in the water and then the risk of this bacteria being activated and growing, explains Erik Ågren, veterinarian at SVA in Sydsvenskan.

Poisoning can lead to mass death among birds that have recently occurred in Pildamm Park.

– This is very tragic, it paralyzes the birds. They have no chance to do it. If you see a live bird with symptoms and you can not take it to the vet, he died the next day, says Bodil Nilsson in Sydsvenskan.

According to the newspaper, the city office of Malmö is working to make the water richer in oxygen

The ultrasound machine that blows gas bubbles has broken and is waiting for parts spare.

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