e – this is the real day of otters


Long on Friday the 13th was considered an otoursdag. The fear of that day even had a name – paraskavedekriobiobi. But now Länsförsäkringar hits the myth that more accidents would happen today. In one survey, it was found that the day is rather associated with the trip.

According to the Länsförsäkringar survey, about 17 percent fewer injuries occur on Friday the 13th, than during an average day. Statistics have shown that Tuesdays are a day more miserable.

Watching the dates is the first month to be the most unpleasant. Seven percent of the total damage will occur.
– According to the result of this review, Friday is the 13th more like a honeymoon. In addition, most people seem to be lucky with the sunny weather and more degrees in principle throughout the country, "said Susanne Fagerberg, injury specialist at Länsförsäkringar.

The combination of Friday and the thirteenth occurs one to three times a year, too rare to appear.

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