Earth's Hemis – rubs on a huge hiding place of diamonds – News


10,000,000,000,000,000 tons.

According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers in the United States, the diamond could be buried in the ground

. It's not to wait. The gemstone is located 24 miles below the ground.

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One of the auction houses Christie's models show Archduke Joseph's famous diamond in front of an auction in Geneva, Switzerland in 2012.

We can not access it. But there are many more diamonds out there than previously thought, "says Ulrich Faul, researcher.

The discovery was made by analyzing how the sound waves cross the different layers When waves pass through diamonds, they are rapidly fast

Diamond deposits are believed to be embedded in giant boulders, consisting of rising and falling mountains that range from the earth's crust to the crust of the earth. terrestrial mantle

says Ulrich Faul

Diamond is a form of carbon that has been transformed under high pressure and extreme temperatures in the interior of the earth.

Natural diamonds do not occur. reach the ground only by very rare volcanic eruptions occur with millions of years apart.

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