Ebbot and Ebbot found the first evening of Hasslöfestival


        Ebbot said that he had a little trouble finding at Hasslöfestivalen. That 's why he' s first on the wrong scene.

Ebbot said that he had a little trouble finding at Hasslöfestivalen. That 's why he' s first on the wrong scene.

Not only an Ebbot but two "Ebbotar" were in place when the Hasslöfestivalen started on Thursday night. In addition, some priests sought their gathering.

People started to sink first when Ebbot, the big cord of the evening, was playing. A few hours earlier, it had been good glory for visitors.

– Thursday's warming is just, explained Johnny Karlsson of the Hasslö Music Association

He was the organizer of the festival between 2003 and 2008.

– C & # 39; is great that they can push further as we have done even local groups are in place.

             Tyra Rosengren, three years old, was well prepared for hearing protection when she examined the tire formations in the festival area.

Tyra Rosengren, three years old, was well prepared for hearing protection during the tire examination in the festival area.

The first performance of the first day of the festival was the Hasslöband Post Residence Club.

In the Hawaii Lounge of the region, there were three friends and sunbathing

– it's very nice, comfortable and small compared to the big festivals, says Maria Gunnervik.

She can not wait to see Sarah Klang appear later. Her husband, Gustav, was looking forward to one of Friday's performances.

– This is probably the National Theater that goes from me. I've seen them many times before and want to see them again, he says.

           The couple Maria and Gustav Gunnervik sat and settled at the Hawaii Lounge with friend Nina Altesjö

The couple Maria and Gustav Gunnervik calmly sit down at Hawaii Lounge with Nina Altesjö's friend

For Jesper Söderberg, it was most Friday's games with Captain Red as a drug. He is part of a team of five people from Congo who came to join the three days of the festival. The Ebbot show of the evening was not the draw of Jesper.

– But I like it and hope it will be fine. I'm calling you for Ebbot. It's a friend who started calling me like that. I do not know why, he always finds a lot of strange nicknames.


Jesper "Ebbot" Söderberg among his friends.

Two priests appeared at the festival center

– No one is at church this weekend, so we can go here instead. This is the biggest event of the island, so we want to meet people in their own environment, "said Maria Svensson of Nättraby-Hasslö Township, who was there with her colleague Gunnar Åkesson

        Priests Gunnar Åkesson and Maria Svensson wanted to be in Hasslö instead where most people lived.

Priests Gunnar Åkesson and Maria Svensson wanted to be in Hasslö where most people lived.

Then Ebbot finally came on stage, in front of the hundreds of people who had gathered.

– I arrived a little late from Dalarna, and I first deceived myself. I have a day off, huh … said Ebbot and the audience applauds.

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