Edward Blom dad for the third time


Edward Blom became a father for the third time.

Today, Wednesday, the wife, Gunilla, gave birth to a son who has not yet received a name.

– The mother and the child feel good. We are tired but happy. Edward Blom 47 years old, and wife Gunilla Kinn Blom 46 years old, became parents

The gastronomist, historian of culture and television Edward Blom again. Today, Wednesday, Gunilla came down with a boy, and to Instagram she wrote about happiness.

"Skin to skin! Today, me and @edwardblom have become my grandchildren.Everything went well and everyone in the family is fine.It has become a little boy, and since many ask for names: yes, we thought a lot by name, and no, no name is added yet, "writes Gunilla, followed by hashtaggar #bbstockholmstories and #bbstockholm.

When the Nöjesbladet When Edward thanks him very much for the congratulations

– Mother and child feel good … We are tired but happy He is a real little personality

It was in May that it was revealed Edward and Gunilla were expecting children again, what Happened was the first to bring back

– It feels good We have known for a long time that Finland has celebrated its big birthday. at the end of July, he said the same way to the Nöjesbladet, and also told they planned to divide the parental leave:

– We always drive half of the half all the time. This will be the fourth year in a row that we continue. Both work part-time and both are part-time. I hope it will work now too. It is clear that there are more people who want to see me on stage than Gunilla on stage so it's sometimes a bit difficult to bring the economy together, it will be a bit more profitable if I work a bit more.

Edward enjoys being at home with the kids, but admits that it can sometimes be a little weird.

– I like to share it evenly

"That's crazy." to be with my children Most often, when they are not dirty. Then it's crazy.

They already have Melchior, 3 years old, and their daughter Wilhelmina, 1, born in April of last year.

It was a total surprise when Edward and Gunilla deliberately chose to keep a long profile because of Gunilla's great age.

– There was no need to do it before it was something, everything should not happen in public. Now that we have children, we want all friends and acquaintances to know and be happy.

Stars Who Have Children 2018 00:57

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