Eight United Nations soldiers killed in Congo-Kinshasa


Photo: Jérôme Delay / AP / TT

Eight United Nations soldiers from Malawi were killed in Congo-Kinshasa. Image of the United Nations factory archive in the country, taken in 2016.

Eight United Nations peacekeepers were killed in fighting in northeastern Congo-Kinshasa.

Seven of those killed come from Malawi and one from Tanzania.

United Nations forces and Congolese troops fought against a group of armed rebels in the city of Beni. The rebel group is accused of a series of attacks in the region where hundreds of civilians and several UN soldiers were killed.

There have been regular armed insurrections in the region for over 20 years. Recently, it has been the center of the country's worst Ebola fracture.

"As you know, there is an Ebola fracture in this region and the uncertainty surrounding the management of the epidemic is an obstacle," said UN spokesman Stéphane Dujarric. .

Malawi has "lost brave, hardworking and disciplined soldiers, always ready to serve for peace," said a statement from the Malawian Army.

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