Eleven dead – police suspect occultism – News


Ten of the dead were hanged, with tape on their mouths. The faces were covered with cloth from a sheet, declaring the Times of India police

The eleventh, 75 year old, lay dead on the floor. According to the police, she was probably arrested to death.

Two of the dead were children, both 15 years old. The children's hands were tied up.

Handwritten pieces and the death of the family died according to the police, according to which the family could have been part of a religious sect and that the action would be consciously performed

. a ritual, as it was followed by a group of eleven people, would lead to salvation.

But the police do not rule out the family being murdered by someone outside.

Burari had problems with banditry, writes Reuters. 19659004] A neighbor made the horrific discovery since he went home to investigate the reasons why the family had not opened his store, reports the AFP news agency.

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