Elias Pettersson historically in the NHL


NEW YORK. Elias Pettersson has done it again tonight.

He bombed another smoker, Detroit – and is the first NHL teammate in 30 years to reach ten goals in his first ten games.

But this time was not enough, thanks to the care of Gustav Nyquist, who won the Red Wings.

– A very beautiful victory. It's as if something is happening now, says Gus at Sportbladet after the 3-2 win.

No, the "Elvis fever" in western Canada does not get tired of the night run either.

Although it was a defeat, Ånge's 19-year-old, who hit the NHL with a storm early in the base month, once again proved his incredible genius.

At 13.39 in the first period, he strayed to the left and found himself plunged into a terrible mud at the bottom.

"Yes, jisses, it was an incredible shot, congratulate his opponent Gustav Nyquist afterwards.


The shotgun of Elias Pettersson is celebrated

"I did not see him much earlier, but you notice directly that he's a special player.

Yes, there is paper now too. The goal was the sensational rookie's rough season – and as a result, he's the first teenager in the NHL in 30 years to reach the milestone in his first ten games.

"Add extra"

However, Elias does not seem to think that everything is so remarkable.

"I was looking for a man who fits this situation, but their backs allowed me to position myself well, so I decided to shoot and get a good match," he said with a small shrugging the shoulders to the Vancouver media.

"I think we have had a good game tonight and that's why we are looking forward to losing.

Yes, so that was.

The guests had the advantage with 2-1 after two periods, but early in the third, Gustav Nyquist acknowledged.

"Jacob De La Rose fired a shot and I got the return." Markström covered well in the area so I just tried to whisper the puck on the other end and thankfully, he crossed the legguard on the back of the Canucks, saying "Gus" and continuing:

– It's fun that Jacob is involved. He went very well into the team and we developed a fine chemistry now that we played together a few matches. Besides, it's really a cannonball.

"There is something good"

2-2 was outscored since the third period – and then won the home team on penalties.

Elias Pettersson was lucky enough to defeat Vancouver 's first penalty, but dropped the puck before reaching the finish line.

"I brought him on the forehand forehand and suddenly I did not have it with me anymore." That's what's going on, he says.

The win of the night was Detroit's fourth in the last five games and what the first scientific breakthroughs looked like misery has suddenly become really enjoyable.

"We have something positive, it's been several weeks now, many new kids have been involved, have their roles and play well, and I think that sounds positive," says Nyquist.

The Swedes who won the NHL score 0:18

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