Emma Green near working in the field of athletics: EAAC


Emma Green is, besides Kajsa Bergqvist, one of Sweden's most successful jumpers through the ages. Now she follows Bergqvist's footsteps even after her career. Kajsa Bergqvist has already been a member of EAAC. Now, Emma Green has received the request – and she sees it as an honor.

– I hope to be able to influence athletics for the better because I find that much of the soul of athletics has disappeared. I think we should move away from difficult qualifying limits and elevation schemes, in the desire of the organizers to create fast competitions with few participants. Instead, athletics should return to the match, which, in my opinion, is true enthusiasm for athletics, "says Emma Green to Swedish Friidrottsförbundets hemsida

Emma Green:" Simplifying the public "

Green as one of the candidates.

– We are pleased that Emma is a candidate for the Committee of Activities of the European Free Trade Association. She has always been interested in creating good conditions for active athletics but also developing, "says Stefan Olsson

In addition to the conditions specific to athletes, advertising is a wrench for Emma Green.

– We should make it easier for the public to come closer and follow the match in the arena. New technology is a good tool to make athletics more accessible from the stands. With the continuous focus on practitioners' joy, doping work and innovative recruitment and support for young talent, I think we will be far away, says the former jumper.

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