Eric Gadd tells you a lot better about the 1991 bombing scene



One of Eric Gadd's concerts was the subject of a bombing.

Saturday, in the premiere of "So Better Better", he tells the story.

"If I had been up to one meter, I would have had no legs today," he says in the program.

In the middle of dinner, in the first section of "So Better Better" tells the main character of the section Eric Gadd, 53, about the moment when one of his concerts in the early 90s was subjected to a bomb attack.

– It was on the tour with "Believe in me". I think it was Vimmerby, there was still somewhere in Småland. Then there was a so-called bombing in the area that had been dynamically and a shotgun under the scene that he interrupted, said Eric Gadd in the show and continued:

– He dug a huge hole, tap two three-foot holes right behind me. If I had been up to one meter, I had no legs today.

The other participants in "So better better", Linnaeus Henriksson, Louise Hoffsten, Albin Lee Meldau, Ulises Infante Azocar and Charlotte Perrelli reacting with horror to the story of Eric Gadd.

The assault took place during his concert at the theme park Kärringryggen in Virserum in Småland on the evening of Valborgsmässo in 1991.

Fortunately, no one was injured during the blast.

– We actually recorded this gig, so everything is in a former DAT band. It was only when I listened and heard the sound when I realized what had really happened, "said Eric Gadd at Nöjesbladet.

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Eric Gadd talks about the attack in "So better better".

According to the singer himself, it's hard to come into contact with what's going on around the stage when you're on stage. Something for which he is happy today because it probably saved him from nightmares and fears over the years.

"On the spot, it's so weird and unreal, you're so filled with adrenaline and you just want to keep going, just like when you play on stage and do the wrong things right." Adrenal is so severe that you feel no pain or fear.

That's why it took a good long time before everything landed in him.

– That's only when I heard this recording that I had to call. Then it was clean, emotionally

"So better better" is premiered on TV4 on October 20th at 8pm.

Here is the participant of the year in "So better better" 0:33

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