Erna Solberg wants to limit the right to abortion in Norway to save her government


The new Norwegian bourgeois government, which took office in January, is composed of the Right, the Progress Party (FRP) and the Left. The coalition does not have its own majority and therefore depends on the support of the KrF, its 3.9% becoming a wave of Norwegian politics.

But the support is in full swing Knut Arild Hareide, leader of KrF's party, said he wanted the party to turn left. The main reason for this proposal is the decline in opinion figures, which puts the party at risk in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

On Friday, the 190 delegates of the Christian Democratic Party gathered for an extraordinary country meeting to vote for the political bloc that the party should support. The party is deeply divided on the issue and the result is far from being given, writes Aftenposten. The victory of the right-wing government, Erna Solberg, returns to the left. Jonas Gahr Støre of the Labor Party becomes Prime Minister.

In order to maintain the support of this small but important party, Erna Solberg and the right-wing government party are ready to tighten abortion legislation, which is one of the problems of KrF's profile. This applies in particular to the ban on twin fetal abortion and in cases where the fetus turns out to be seriously ill after the twelve week Norwegian period.

"The cooperation of the government means that everyone must give and take," said the head of the VG.

But Solberg's so-called "abortion fury" caused strong reactions. On Monday, about a thousand people from some thirty organizations outside Parliament rallied to protest against the proposal to limit the right to abortion.

"We want a society in which the woman's body belongs to the woman and not parts of a political game." Abortions are not negotiable, said Johanne Lühr of the Women's Front in a speech delivered during the meeting. manifestation, said Yle.

Politicians from government cooperation parties also criticize the proposal.

KrF leader Hareide says Solberg's abortion proposal is positive, but does not want to comment if it can affect the outcome of the vote, VG writes.

So that KrF continues to act As a support party, the right-wing government also has several other proposals, including an intensive increase in aid and hosting 3,000 quota refugees in 2019, an increase of over 40 %.

According to Johan Strang, a Nordic researcher at the University of Helsinki, the Christian Democratic Party has different interpretations of the nature of Christian politics. Those who think that the aid policy is important would like to cooperate with the left bloc, while the abortionists would prefer to cooperate with the right-wing bloc.

"The party is based on the idea of ​​family, children and pensioners, but it is also about aid policy and resistance to abortion and gay rights," he said. he told Yle.

Abortion has become a problem Even in the Swedish election campaign, when the proposal of the Swedish Democrats to reduce the term of abortion at week 12 against 18 today has been developed. The party also wants to create freedom of conscience for, among others, health personnel, which means that, for example, midwives can refuse to practice abortions based on their beliefs.

Paula Bieler (SD): Making society more useful by saying that abortions are not a problem

Several other countries have recently voted in favor of restrictive legislation on abortion, including Ireland.

Read more: Vallokalsundersøgelser: yes-page against biggereger in Ireland


Each year, about 56 million abortions are performed worldwide, including about 50 million in developing countries, according to a new study by the Guttmacher Institute.

Pakistan has the highest number of abortions: 50 abortions per 1,000 women. While Switzerland has the lowest number of abortions: 5 women out of 1,000.

It is estimated that about 25 million women perform unsafe abortions each year.

Between 2000 and 2017, 33 countries expanded the conditions under which abortion is allowed.

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