EU Parliament rules against Trump – demands climate change for trade


The most notable part of the resolution on climate diplomacy voted today by the European Parliament is that the ratification of the Paris Agreement will be necessary for the EU to sign trade agreements with other parties.

– If we seriously consider the Paris Agreement, It also appears in trade policy. Pressure will increase in other countries if we demand the ratification of the Paris agreement to sign new trade agreements. "In addition to the demands for the ratification of the Paris agreement – a recent US agreement – the Parliament wanted the climate to be given more room for maneuver," said MEP Jakop Dalunde. role in EU diplomacy. Among other things, EU embassies will be strengthened with climate experts and new plans of action will be developed.

– Instead of discussing climate issues once a year at UN climate conferences, we received letters saying that the EU's foreign policy work. The climate issue is crucial for issues related to migration, aid and security policy. Now we finally have legal texts that recognize it, "said Jakop Dalunde

The European Parliament's proposal should first be discussed by the Member States and the European Commission before it becomes a reality .

Mikael Färnbo

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