EU: Strong countermeasures for the increase of car rates


The EU may react to countermeasures of up to $ 300 billion if US President Donald Trump seriously threatens to raise tariffs on European cars.

He writes Financial Times (FT), which refers to a document The European Commission sent to the US Department of Commerce

According to the FT, European states are increasingly convinced that "the untouchable US president will act shortly".

Donald Trump said Sunday that the EU was "just as bad". like China as to how European countries trade with the United States. In an interview with Fox News, the president rejected comments that his attacks on the EU were counter-productive and that he should instead strengthen relations with European countries to deal with trade issues together with the EU. China

. According to FT, Brussels' response is that the US investigation into whether foreign cars and auto parts pose a risk to national security may be the engine of the global economy.

According to the European Commission's document, high car tariffs would not be accepted by the international community and would "further damage rumors" for the United States.

According to the EU document, the international community will not accept higher car rates. FT reports to EU officials that no decision has been made on how to respond to taxes on cars. However, the document warns that the EU and other major economies will "probably" introduce countermeasures on a "significant trade volume" of up to $ 294 billion, or 19% of exports. in 2017. Measures can be taken against various sectors in the United States.

The amount identified by the EU largely coincides with the value of US imports of cars and autos last year totaling $ 330 billion.

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