Euro rates are low – slightly stronger


Euro rates are generally slightly higher on Monday, with German interest rates rising 1 to 2 points, while stock markets are weak.

Positive signs regarding the continuation of the fight for free trade and increased market availability came from a meeting of representatives of China and EU on Monday . The focus is on the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in Helsinki later this Monday. This will be their first official meeting.

According to the White House, they will discuss "US-Russian relations and a series of national security issues." Trump reported that topics such as Syria and Ukraine could be raised at the meeting. He twisted Sunday that he "came into the meeting with low expectations" and Monday that the relationship between countries "has never been worse". At the same time, it anticipates media criticism regardless of the outcome.

A sensitive and up-to-date question is that special investigator Robert Mueller sued last week twelve Russian cybercrime agents in 2016.

Leaders will hold a joint press conference later in the day, According to the White House scheduled for 16.50 Swedish hour

. Any comments on the Iranian deal, as Trump retired, could also be of interest to the oil market.

US interest rates start the week a little higher, with 10-year government bonds at 2.84%. The dollar has firmed somewhat against the yen, but has slightly lost against the euro, but the net movement of the dollar index is weak since Friday.

In the afternoon, the retail sales outlook for June in the United States is expected. The goal is also directed against Fed Chief Jerome Powell's speech to Congress on Tuesday.

Friday's Monetary Policy Report, the foundation of the century, says gradual rate hikes are the right path when the US economy posts sustainable growth, good labor markets, and inflation close to the target.

showed that GDP grew 6.7% year-over-year in the second quarter, in line with expectations, but slightly below 6.8% in the first quarter. It is still clear that the government's growth target for the year is "about 6.5%".

China's retail sales rose 9.0% year-on-year in June, as expected, while industrial production rose 6.0%, below 6.5%.

"Overall, these numbers are not so disturbing The expulsions of exports and imports that we saw last week were delayed, but that said, the l '. China's economy is vulnerable to large-scale trade conflict and if it continues to the next level, the threat to the Chinese economy may be greater, "Shane Oliver told AMP on Reuters.

Donald Trump threatened 10% of the new Chinese customs duties worth $ 200 billion. WTO Monday.

Nordea noted that although the annual rate has declined slightly, GDP growth in the second quarter, 1.8 percent, above expectations and growth rates shows no drama on the economy Chinese at the present time.

Some monthly indicators show that growth may lose momentum, but only gradually. Especially in May-June, some sectors depreciated, for example in terms of credit growth and industrial production, but on the other hand, the real estate sector remains surprisingly resilient and the movement towards a more consumption-based economy keep on going.

The contribution of net exports continues to be negative, but exports and imports continue to increase and the direct impact of US customs on China's foreign trade has up to 19%. here been weak. "We continue to expect the Chinese authorities to further ease their monetary and fiscal policies if growth rates or the impact of trade restrictions start to be worrying," writes Nordea.

Swedish interest rates are traded at one more point as the krona rose 7 pence against the dollar and 4 pence against the euro from Friday.

According to Valueguard, house prices in Sweden fell by 0.6% in June compared to the previous month. Seasonally adjusted prices rose 0.5%, the third consecutive month with a seasonally adjusted rise.

Handelsbanken noted that the statistics offered no surprise.

"The general trend of housing prices this year has been close to expectations, and we maintain our vision of a gradual stabilization of housing prices," wrote Handelsbanken.

The supply of housing is both unusually high that are put up for sale and reduce demand, and they expect it to remain during a period when supply is now replenished with the new production being completed.

Monday at 23:00 (Friday at 16:15) ============================== USD / SEK 8: 8462 (8: 9230) Statsobl 2y -0.57 (-0.57) EUR / SEK 10: 3497 (10: 3882) Statsoby 10y 0.47 (0.47) EUR / USD 1: 1699 (1: 1643) Ty obl 10 0 , 35 (0.34) US obl 10 2.84 (2.83)

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