Båstad 17 July – Today, actress Eva Röse receives the Läkerol Culture Prize for the Voice of the Year and the psychologist and author Hédi Fried receives the honorary award Juryns. Eva Röse receives the $ 100,000 prize for her strong contribution to the Swedish # metoo debate as one of the most important figures of #tystettagning. Hedi Fried is rewarded for his incredible strength in the face of racism in all its forms over the last thirty years. The honorary prize is 50 000 SEK.
Läkerol annually shares the Läkerol Voice Award of the year with a current person who, with the help of his voice, has excelled for a wider audience. As part of the tenth anniversary of the award, the jury also shares a prize with someone who has made a difference with his voice for a long time. In addition to Eva Röse and Hédi Fried, Thérèse Lindgren, author and author of the influenza nominated this year, Hampus Nessvold, artist and program director, Steve Angello, DJ and music producer
– This year, Läkerol celebrates the Voice of the Year. Prize for two strong voices that inspire us and touch us deeply. The voice of Eve represents and reinforces those who are gathered behind #tystetagtagning and #metoo. Hedi's voice is firm and strong against racism and has been doing so for thirty years. We want to thank and appreciate the incredible strength that they represent and strengthen people together against injustice and hatred, "said Jury President Claudia Galli Concha.
– I am incredibly surprised and But I do not see myself as a foreground when Silence Tagning is a long-range army of sisters I live for the motto: "Use your platform for change", and think to continue taking every chance to fight for a more equitable, more just and more empathic society, "says Eva Röse.
– I am very happy to receive this award, which means that I work with and I fight for it. I also hope that this will be useful when it comes to saving democracy in Sweden.The award that I will give to my foundation, which grants scholarships to teachers who fight against racism, Nazism, Islamophobia e xenophobia I would like to thank the jury for choosing me and I'm glad they chose Eva Röse for the Year's Voice, I do not think it could have been a no one more worthy this year, says Hedi Fried.
The motivation of the jury reads as follows:
Eva Röse
Eva Röse has just what we want to see with a winner of Läkerol's voice of the year. She receives the award for the use of her skills and position, her voice representing several people in an important subject to a wide audience. Eva Röse has been important throughout the year to spread knowledge about the Swedish metoo debate and has been at the forefront of #tysttagtagning, which has changed the film and the theater industry forever.
] Hédi Fried
Hedi Fried Receives Juryn's Honor Award for Dedicating His Life to Disseminate Knowledge of the Holocaust and For decades Teaching the Country Around Cruelties of the Second World War. Hedi Fried stands against racism in all its forms, which, unfortunately, now seems more important than ever. We are so happy that this year, when the Läkerol Year Voice fills ten years, gets the Jury Award of Honor to Hédi Fried – a woman we are deeply impressed and interested and we want to thank for his strength.
Läkerol Culture Prize
For 30 years (1971-2000), the prestigious Läkerol Cultural Prize was distributed in Sweden. Povel Ramel and Thorsten Flinck are among the stars. When Läkerol celebrated its 100th anniversary as a brand in 2009, the cultural name award was reinstated, Läkerol's Voice of the Year . The award is given by a renowned jury who has the habit of using voice and word in their professional roles. The cash prize is 100,000 SEK on the stock market. The jury consists of: Claudia Galli Concha (president), Hasse Brontén, Denise Rudberg, Micael Dahlén and Anna Blomberg.
The 2017 year's voice went to handball player Linnéa Claeson who, in a strong and powerful voice, drew attention to sexual harassment and networking. Linnéa, with her Instagram account @assholesonline, where she raises and encounters humor violations as a weapon, has made a strong voice in the public debate. Something that is very important in today 's society, where the network grows and victims become more and more.
Previously Awarded Doctor of the Last Days Voice of the Year:
2017 – Linnéa Claeson
2016 – Elaine Exquisite
2015 – Ann Heberlein
2014 – Soran Ismail
2013 – Jonas Gardell
2012 – Loreen
2011 – Patrik Sjöberg
2010 – Mia Cuts
– Malena Ernman
For more information on Läkerol's Year Voice or interview requests, please contact:
Fredrik Sjöström, Communications Officer and sponsoring:
Mobile: 0734 39 42 51 e-mail: fredrik.sjostrom@cloetta.se
Anna Åkerblad, cellphone: 0703054405, e-mail: anna.akerblad@wenderfalck.com
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