Eva Rydberg's anger against P4: "It's intimidation"


At the beginning of the summer, Eva Rydberg released "Heaven," the artist 's first single in 30 years. It's a song about the dedramatization of death and, according to Eva Rydberg, a song about it.

"It's not just me who loves the song, those who have heard me tell me how happy they are when they hear it.

"But they also say they're crying because it's something serious in which we're all going to be together and nobody knows what's going on afterwards.

READ MORE: The emotional return of Eva Rydberg: "Right to the heart"

Eva Rydberg in the video of "Heaven".

"It's very popcorn"

Eva Rydberg performed the song both in Bingolotto and Lotta in Liseberg, and she played it herself during her summer career in P1.

"And on Spotify, the song already has 50,000 plays, it turns out that it's very populous this song," said Eva Rydberg.

She is supported by her artists.

– Lotta Engberg immediately stated that it was a success. And Nanne Grönwall told her that she had become so happy when she heard the song.

The song has musical vibrations

But in the P4 radio channel, it is not played. There it does not go.

According to Jonas Westman, musical director of Sveriges Radio, the song is a bit too traditional.

"It's a bit old school, it's a bit more musical vibb." The opinion of the song is that it's qualitatively good but a bit too traditional for P4, says Jonas Westman in Skåne.

Eva Rydberg does not buy this explanation.

"It makes me very sad, in my opinion, they do not play songs for us older on the P4.This could as well have been P3.It is bullying for the elderly.

"I do not mean that they should play it a few times a day, only once, everything was fine, but now it's completely over.

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Eva Rydberg, here in "Fars lille tös" at Fredriksdalsteatern, celebrated her triple birthday this year. She finished her 75th birthday in June, she is a theater director for her 25th year and she turns 60 as an artist.


No luck in Svensktoppen

Göran Sparrdahl wrote the song and shares Eva Rydberg's opinion.

"I know the competition is difficult, there are very good songs recorded in this country, you can bring them with you.

"But I thought it was obvious that you would embody Eva Rydberg on P4, an artist so enthusiastic and also gloating this year.

If a song is not played in P4, it has no chance of joining Svensktoppen.

"For Eve, I think it's a shame, I think she did it," says Göran Sparrdahl.

Played in the digital channel

Swedish radio refers to the P4 Plus channel, which is aimed at older listeners who play "Heaven". But it's a web channel and Eva Rydberg thinks it's foolishness.

– So it's us who are older who are forced to go online to listen to the music we want.

"It should be the opposite, it is the young people who are online.

According to Jonas Westman on Swedish radio, the door is not completely closed for "Heaven".

– We do not boycott the song and we never say it.

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