Ewa Stenberg: Löfvens hunt for project that has moved


You do not need novalucol when you get the orange envelope, the representative of Stefan Löfven Håkan Juholt threw his first speech in 2011.

It took seven years, only now the Social Democrats have submitted a proposal to reduce wage power after the annual pension notice entered the mailbox

Employers will pay 15 billion crowns annually in pension contributions. This will help future employees recover 70% of the retirement pension.

The last is a great promise. It could be the new welfare project that social democracy finds so hard to find and for which the party has long favored the defense of the police and migration.

The Social Democrats have been trying for a long time to choose a harder message. until the year 2024 as a jewel of the crown. But that did not work out as planned. The party is ill in the public opinion, well below the levels of the party's worst election results since democracy was introduced.

And just before Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson met the press in a well-run retirement home at the Monastery of Rome on Thursday, they called the leaders of the bourgeois party to the press. They have also pledged 10,000 more police officers by 2024. It is therefore impossible to fight against the promise of elections.

The Social Democrats have already realized the danger and made the autumn election a referendum on well-being. usually have a very concrete and burning question for which you can vote yes or no. It is not yet S. The reduced taxes do not take the right turn, but a clear vision of how taxpayers will be used and the welfare state will be developed

The Promise Social Democrats about 70% of the pension for a referendum on welfare. The reasons are four:

1. It will take a long time before employees can get this 70% of salary. It is unclear when S wants to raise costs and when they are high, they mainly concern those who are over thirty, according to Finance Minister Andersson. And pensions are rarely based on the youth program.

2. The 70% goal also requires higher retirement ages. It is significantly less popular than higher replacement levels.

3. Vallöftet S gives is not to increase the pension contributions without meeting the requirement in the retirement working group, where also sit bourgeois. Moderators are skeptical about higher fees for companies and have neither rushed nor rejected the idea. The burghers will probably want to change the proposal to provide support. They are not ready to fight, but they will change or delay it.

4. Autumn is coming late and retreats are not a big issue in the electoral movement.

Most people say so that the pursuit by social democracy of a new project is continuing. The last memorable was the maximum rate in preschool education according to Göran Persson promised in 1998.

But solid reforms cost a lot of money. Last election, the party reached a record in the number of election promises. He can be fought in this election.

Social Democrats already have an expensive reform catalog. And economists point out that municipalities and county councils will need a lot of money in the years to come to care for more and more children and elders.

But the party must remind voters of its ideology and direction. The reversals of recent years have created question marks, and voters have sought ideologically clearer parties

. The problem of the Social Democrats is that S is torn between a working group for the working class and a reformed socialist party. In the past, it has been easy to reconcile, now a growing proportion of workers' representatives have asked the Swedish Democrats. This has led the Social Democrats to promise a more restrictive immigration policy which, in turn, bothers many other voters.

When things go wrong, a political party often acts as a football team and plays more defensively at home. Stefan Löfven takes a lot of time traveling outside big cities, which is the social democratic plan. It also takes a lot of time to meet older voters.

Support for the Social Democrats is about twice as high for the 65-and-over age group than for the 18-29 age group.

The four social-democratic vallokomotives Stefan Löfven, Magdalena Andersson, Margot Wallström and Peter Hultqvist are over 50 years old.

Older people are an important and important group, but in the long run, social democracy needs to recruit younger representatives and voters. 19659002] The group should always kiss a novalucol when it opens its orange envelope.

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