Expert: Joseph Kony is "dead" every time


Unconfirmed reports that Joseph Kony, a fierce warlord, was arrested in Bir Tawil, on the border with Sudan and Egypt, spread to Sudan. But the information, which has been attributed to the country's minister of information, is probably not correct. According to an expert, false information about Kony has been broadcast on several occasions in the media

Joseph Kony (left), an LRA leader, talks with reporters in 2006. Stuart Price / AP / TT

"It's like a carefully crafted story." But Sverker Finnström, associate professor and lecturer at the University of Uppsala and expert of the Resistance Army's Lord and his Chief Joseph Kony

reportedly arrested at Bir Tawil.Logic can be found.The area – like Kony – is a mythical area in itself.Finally Finnström, Joseph Kony is probably in Sudan

– I have not found anything from my sources or contacts, says Finnström, about the alleged arrest.

He saw no confirmation of his arrest. a dementia, which is now prevalent on social media.

TT published the story Monday, but stressed that the information was not confirmed.

Sverker Finnström tells us that Kony "is dead" again and again, since he's started doing research on the subject. Before the LRA and its leaders were internationally acclaimed in the 2012 Kony report, it was mainly Ugandan government propaganda

– He lost a leg in a fight he was in a military hospital in Khartoum, he died in AIDS

A year ago, rumors were published in the French press that he died.

– It was also published a cowardice a year ago that he died, with statements from American elites who were not involved in this hunt. According to Sverker Finnström, it was a new plant

Joseph Kony and his LRA have spread the horror in several African countries for decades. This spring, the United States welcomed its soldiers from the Central African Republic after participating in the hunt since 2011.


The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), founded in 1987 and led by Joseph Kony, is a guerrilla group has caused great suffering to the civilian population in Uganda in recent decades. The LRA fought a guerrilla war in 1987-2006 from bases in northern Uganda and southern Sudan. Violent abuse occurred against civilians. Today, the LRA is effectively defeated.

The group of gilles has often been described as a Christian fundamentalist movement. However, religious motives were considered of secondary importance. Since the LRA was forced to flee Uganda, the group is fighting for its own survival.

The LRA claims to have killed up to 10,000 people and led 220,000 people. in flight years 1993-1998.

The Ugandan government passed a law in 2000 to grant amnesty to people who are arguing with the government if they put their weapons. However, this law does not include LRA leaders.

In 2005, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest orders for five LRA leaders – including Joseph Kony. The peace negotiations began a year later, but despite the agreement reached, Kony did not appear when the agreement was to be signed in 2008.

The LRAs were estimated in the first decade of the 1990s. 2000 years between 1,000 and 3,000. Since then, the guerrilla group has weakened to a few hundred people

The United States is offering a $ 5 million reward to those who provide information that lead to Kony's arrest. larger villages than before. Between April 2017 and March 2018, the group killed nine people and kidnapped 129 people

Source: Foreign Policy Institute

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