Explosives in Clinton and Obama – Foreigners


A charge was found in the mail of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the residence of former president Bill Clinton in a suburb north of New York City on the night of Wednesday to Wednesday, the secret service announced. from the US secret agency.

A charge has also sent to the home of former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama in Washington DC.

"Both packages were stopped before being delivered to the intended location," the secret service wrote in a press release.

Also the Time Warner Center in Manhattan in New York, where the CNN media giant published an editorial, was hit. The building must be laid out because of an object suspected to be an explosive charge. The alarm was heard in the live broadcast of CNN's studio and surprised the two news tanks in use.

The cargo was addressed to John Brennan, the boss of the CIA, but with the attention of CNN, the news channel. Brennan is one of the commentators CNN uses. Brennan was the CIA chief of President Barack Obama and criticizes the current president, Donald Trump.

The suspect object shortly thereafter, shipped out of Time Warner Center in New York. TV shows shows how a truck with a container on the wreck left the area

The New York Police bombing group (NYPD) had already discovered that it was a kind of blast charge.

The explosions of the pairs Clinton and Obama have a design similar to that described in the indictment found in front of the home of billionaire and American philanthropist George Soro, not far from the Clinton couple, government officials told the New York Times.

The charge at George Soro's residence has been described as a kind of tube bomb and exploded under controlled forms. No suspects were arrested after this incident.

The one or they People who have sent explosives to Obama and Clinton couples will be asked for an answer, the White House announced in a statement condemning the "attempts of violent attacks"

Later, Floridapolis investigated suspicious objects found near the Democratic Congress Office Debbie Wasserman Schultz. .

Clinton, Obama, Soros and CNN can all be viewed as controversial in an American context, notes Hans Brun, an analyst at Defense Studies Center for Asymmetric Threats and Terrorism (CATS) at Defense College.

– Soros, for example, is a liberal leftist, militant and philanthropist.

TT: Does this mean that suspicions must be directed to the ultra-high?

"All is well, but it is perhaps also a lawyer who wants to fight against the power and the authority," answers Hans Brun.

He states in part that the approach is not going well with regular terrorist groups and that pipe bombs are one of the easiest forms of bomb to build.

"Now, it becomes interesting to know what kind of explosive and detonator is used – from homemade black powder to advanced military explosives.The way bombers are made will reveal a lot about the knowledge and capabilities of l & # 39; author.

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