F 21 is transformed into American base: "We are improving with the others"


The code name of the exercise is Trident Juncture and 50,000 people participate, including 2,200 Swedish soldiers, sailors and officers.

F 21 is an American base

The practice scenario is that Norway is attacked and that 29 NATO countries and partner countries, Sweden and Norway, return together.

"For this reason, the declaration of solidarity that Sweden has decided, which means that we will not be held responsible if an attack was to strike another EU country or a Nordic country," said Claes Isoz, Director of Flight.

As a result, F 21 becomes a US air base until November 7, when the navy hosts NATO forces.

-We practice to get better with others. If we are perceived as neutral or not, my problem should not be answered. We are cooperating with others as part of Sweden's declaration of solidarity, said Claes Isoz.

What does the image of the threat look like?

"It's a little bit more difficult in our immediate area and it's imposing more and more military capabilities, and then it's good to cooperate with others as well.

"All for one"

Luis Villar, one of the practitioners of NATO, still considers Sweden as a neutral and unarmed country.

You can say it even now. Being a member of NATO and cooperating with it is a big difference, he said.

But not a single shot or a grenade will be used, but it's computer simulations.

"Our message to the outside world is that we can work together and defend the alliance.If a country in NATO is attacked, 31 countries will come back.

-C is one for all, all for one that applies. We have already done it and we can do it again, "said Luis Villar.

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