Fake photos on Instagram – Johanna E Olsson gets criticized


A beautiful view of Paris with autumn leaves, who does not want to be seen in such?

Johanna E Olsson would have influenced her. That's why she has become one. But the reactions of the followers were not graceful.

– I find it pretty silly, she said about the critic in his instastory.

Johanna E Olsson is a Swedish influencer who has nearly half a million followers on Instagram.

Clothes, travel photos and glamorous events are some of the things that young Swedes can see in the flow of images. But when she uploaded photos from Paris earlier this week, many responded.

The reason? They fainted.

"When I was there, I was very busy with the fashion week and it was raining, but of course I had to take pictures for some of the companies I worked with," says Johanna in her interview. Instastory after the event.

She keeps:

"I first took a picture, but I did not think it was so good, so I took another background and edited it in the picture. Noticed something and then thought that it was fine.

Subsequently, she acknowledged that it was three false pictures. But she does not want to delete images, they collaborate with different companies.

False photos in the honor

On Wednesday, her retouched image attracted a lot of attention and several newspapers wrote about the critics, like Expressen.

"They always do it in Sweden, for example, this summer, when I was in Venice, I took a piece of pasta that I really wanted," she says in a movie on Instagram.

But the flu does not eat gluten and so did not take a bite out of the food with which she was posing.

Instead, she gave the pasta to a homeless man by telling him in an instastory, which provoked the race of many of his followers.

"I can not understand that you really did that, it's so disrespectful," says a user, for example.

Aftonbladet searched for Johanna E Olsson without success.

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