Fallout 76 Betan proposed a spectacular problem: it has been erased.


face Fallout 76Betesda wrote that Bethesda had written an open letter to participants where they had escaped to bet. The game is so vast that players can face "spectacular problems that no one of us has ever encountered".

They did not shout.

When a new beta started last night, the Bethesda client turned out to have a big bug that erased the bite and forced users to replenish 50GB home games.

Bethesda support quickly expired with a clear call – do not click anything.

Later, the Twitter account called Fallout wrote that those who started downloading would clearly explain and continue troubleshooting. There is no report indicating that the error has been resolved.

An additional nine-hour session will be announced on Thursday as a wound dressing. the should run on 19-04-04 Swedish time, but because of the unclear message of yesterday about the start time, it is wise to keep an eye on the beta client. But whatever you do – click nothing! It's a beta.

Finally, Godofcheese, a member of the FZ, managed to play the bet tonight and took the time to summarize his first impressions. Read them here. And share your impressions, if you also played!

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