Fashion show with live music and girls power


   Some of the models under the recovery show show the muscles. Project manager Sandra Penzo on the far left and musician Sebastian Chavez on the far right.

Photo: Mikael Evard

Some of the models under the recovery show show the muscles. Project manager Sandra Penzo on the far left and musician Sebastian Chavez on the far right.

The Recycling Fashion Show focuses on something new: live music under the show. It will be hip-hop with the power of girls to highlight women. And for music there are two men.

– We want to develop each year and do better. So we realized that live music was great, "says Sandra Penzo, project manager for the Recycling Fashion Show, which is part of Live Green at the Archipelago Party.

The cohabitant of Sandra was found: Sebastian Chavez, who passes under the name of the artist The Suit.

He did come from Karlshamn, but moved to Karlskrona three years ago. Sebastian Chavez has never intended to participate in the Recycling Fashion Show.

– But this year, topics such as poor psychological health and the fact that women are taking up more space, and topics like my colleague Russel, "says Sebastian Chavez.

The colleague he is talking about is Russel Cant, aka "Schizoflow", who also plays live during the parade. There will be power girl songs, music with feminist lyrics, and even strong women's songs like Tove Lo and Beyoncé.

– We'll mix in just over 20 minutes and change songs after 30-50 seconds per model, says The Suit.

   25-year-old Evelina Billquist will present a tailor-made dress made from towing rollers at the recycling fashion show.

Photo: Mikael Evard

25-year-old Evelina Billquist will present a tailor-made dress for towing rollers as part of the Recycling Fashion Show.

It is for the sixth year that the show of recycling and environmental thinking is organized. Friday and Saturday, two shows take place every day on the grounds of Hogland Park.

The creations were created by amateurs and an established designer from Karlshamn: Lotta Niemi. For example, you can see a shield of steel wire containing flowers made of old cards, and a dress of toarulls.

– We have 23 women as models and they are so impressive from the beginning. What makes it better to have songs about feminism? Said project director Sandra Penzo.

However, there is a guy in the show, 24-year-old Linus Karlsson.

– For him it's all life. That's why it's so much fun that it contributes to his dream, "says Sandra Penzo. [ad_2]
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