Favorite Exdiplomat of the Georgian Presidential Elections



Salomé Zurabishvili is one of the favorites of the presidential election in Georgia.

A former French diplomat is the favorite candidate for elections in Georgia.

On Sunday, the Georgians name their next president, who will now have a ceremonial role.

Salome Zurabishvili arrived in Georgia in 2004 as France's ambassador. Then, few have predicted that she would be the favorite in a presidential election almost 15 years later.

When Georgians vote Sunday, it is mainly between Salome Zurabishvili, the Georgian party's dream behind him, and Grigol Vasjadze of the United Nations National Movement (UNM). And according to polls, it's even between the two candidates.

Impaired position

The president's position will remain rather a ceremony after a change of constitution, but the elections are still considered a steel bath for the increasingly unpopular Georgian dream.

"I always thought that somehow, I would help this country to become democratic.As a young French diplomat, I could not imagine that one day I would be a candidate to the presidency of the Republic in the country of my parents, stuck in the chlorine of the Soviet Union, "said Zurabishvili.

Zurabishvili, 66, currently an independent member of parliament, is the daughter of the exiled authorities who fled to Paris in 1921 after the country was captured by the Red Army.

diplomatic career

She has a diplomatic career behind her and was appointed Foreign Minister by the country's former president, Mikhail Saakashvili (UNM).

But Zurabishvili quickly made several enemies in parliament and she was fired after a year of work. She then joined the opposition and became one of the most severe critics of Saakashvili.

His opponent in Sunday's election, Grigol Vasjadze, was Foreign Minister Saakashvili 2008-2012.

Both candidates voted for similar pledges to bring Georgia closer to full membership of the EU and NATO.

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