Filip and Fredrik's New Major Initiative with Documentaries in the News


Filip Hammar and Fredrik Wikingsson are soon launching "Filip and Fredrik presents" at Dplay. Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck / Channel 5

Spoiler alert can now tell you about the new major initiative of Filip Hammar and Fredrik Wikingsson. In collaboration with Discovery Networks Sweden, TV profiles will soon launch "Donna Filip and Fredrik presents", where the duo will select and pack international documentaries. At the same time, Hammar and Wikingsson are planning to make several new documentaries as well as co-producers in new projects.

I can now tell you about the new company of Filip Hammar and Fredrik Wikingsson after the success of the film "Tårgengeneralen": Together with Discovery Networks Sweden, the duo will launch what is called "Filip and Fredrik presents" on the service of Dplay streaming.

During the vinjetten, Hammar and Wikingsson will produce their own documentaries, select and pack national and international documentaries and co-produce new Swedish documentaries.

"The gifts of Filip and Fredrik" are about to be launched on Dplay, but for the moment there is no specific launch date.

Axel Eriksson, content manager at Discovery Networks Sweden, confirms the new project and says:

"Filip & Fredrik presents" is a common dream that comes true. We build long-term – it's just the desire and the imagination that define the limit of what we can do with "The Gifts of Filip & Fredrik", and in particular what we will do for Dplay at the moment. ;to come up.

When I talk to Fredrik Wikingsson about the new venture, he states, among other things, that he thinks he and Filip Hammar want to be "more experimental" with regards to their own documentaries.

"In the long run, we think that we continue to buy documentaries that we like, but also that we do it ourselves and that if we hear someone who has a project that he's not not really met, we can help, even dirty movies, especially documentaries, are hard to get hold of, so it's like a new leg on the body, that's all you do, "says Fredrik Wikingsson .

Below, my conversation with Fredrik Wikingsson about "Filip and Fredrik presents".

"I think Filip and I want to be a little more experimental with that," says Fredrik Wikingsson about the new project "Filip and Fredrik presents". Photo: Stina Stjernkvist / Channel 5

Fredrik, tell me where this idea comes from.

"The most common question for me and Filip is whether we can talk about a good documentary, we see and have always seen a lot of documentaries and talk about them often in our podcast and in different contexts. fun to see something good and make sure everyone sees it There is something uplifting about this.

"I think people are seeing more documentaries than ever, and I like them too." Then I find it luxurious that we can showcase documentaries in their own "channel" on DPlay in a variety of ways.

Tell us more about the concept.

– We start by buying our favorite documentaries, some famous, some less well known. These films are accompanied by pre and post negatives. We present the film and then, when the film is finished and if you wish, you can watch when we talk about our impressions during a quarter. This is a fun and somewhat autonomous form of packaging.

"In the long run, we think that we continue to buy documentaries that we like, but also that we do it ourselves and that if we hear someone who has a project that he's not not really met, we can help.Even dirty movies, especially documentaries, are hard to get funds.So this looks like a new leg on the body, that's all you do.

The plan is threefold: you join and give advice for good documentaries, but you also want Filip and you to make your own documentaries and to participate as collaborators in new documentaries?

– Exactly, exactly. We spent a day with the Prime Minister during the elections, and just the "One day with" format, I think you can do more. There are as many people as you want to follow.

"I thought it was pretty quiet, secondly, it was a portrait of the Prime Minister, then we dropped it, and then Filip and I are on the adventure.

Just that, I remember it.

"There are hundreds of famous people who would be fun to make this format, so I think me and Filip want to be a bit more experimental with that.

You will get a new window where you can find an outlet for your ideas.

– Just, and we think it's powerful. Hello, we have been hands free for Channel 5 for almost fifteen years, but it is not necessary to adapt to this when the program has to be broadcast in the evening or the length of the sections.

"If you come up with something that suits you for 14 minutes, you can put it on" Filip and Fredrik present. "But if we come up with something that lasts 14 minutes to air on Channel 5, then they have to raise half of the "Big Bang Theory" and this is not possible.

But will you continue to do more TV shows for Channel 5?

– Yes, of course, we will continue to do things for Channel 5, which is what we do mainly, but it's a kind of more menu than you can say. We have so little to do that it would be fun to do a little more.

Hahaha. Do you think this new project is even a kind of necessity for not stagnating creatively?

– No, i dont think so. If we had just done one thing all the time, that would certainly have been the case, but now we do our podcast every week and "Breaking news", which is different every night. But it becomes a little more documentary, which I find very good at Discovery.

There must also be wonderful freedom in this area. Secondly, as you say, you do not necessarily need to worry about the extent to which something is found, but also because it's not limited by the seasons, type "That's what we're launching in the spring," but you should should feel up to date, that's possible.

– really. Even if people predict the disappearance of linear TV for several years, the situation becomes difficult and there is a framework for the first and so on. If we give up something in the middle of the day, we can do it in this project. Of course, there will be additional freedom in this area, even if we do not feel strangled in any way.

As you say, it's not for you to have less to do, but you feel that you're so passionate about it, that you're almost crazy about spending time outside of work just getting smaller and smaller?

"Time is nothing you have, but something you take in. If you're passionate about something, you'll take the time. It's just that.

Among the documentaries available since the beginning of Dplay, we can quote "We were here" by David Weissman, "Into the Abyss – by Werner Herzog", "The murder" of 2012 and the Swedish classic of Stefan Jarl "A decent life" and, of course, documentaries Filip Hammars and Fredrik Wikingsson "Nice people deluxe" and "In Trumpland with Filip and Fredrik".

"Filip and Fredrik presents" was created for the first time on Dplay.

Mattias Bergqvist is on Twitter: @bergqvist_m

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