Filip Forsberg's advice for the national team before the World Cup match against Switzerland


NEW YORK. Here is a Forsberg who knows how to lower Switzerland in big matches.

Filip Forsberg, star of Nashville Predator, made one of the crucial punishments when Tre Kronor won the World Cup final against the Alps.

– Repeat and shoot. It's my advice if it's going to be punished now, "said the hero laughing in a summer interview with the Sportbladet.

It's been a month and a half since he and friends of Tre Kronor won the World Cup in Copenhagen Yes, it meant a lot to end the season with triumph and get into the summer with that feeling, says the 23 year old mom when we reach her at the Åkerö house just outside the center of Leksand.

– The goal before the season was not World Gold Championship, we were aiming the Stanley Cup with Nashville, but when he became, it was really perfect to play the World Cup and win, all the more so as there were so many old friends in.

1 of 6 | Photo: Jimmy Wixtr m / AFTONBLADET / 85325

So now you have a good summer?

– Yeah, you've finished the season on the winning side. then it will be a little easier to go on leave. You really have a more positive feeling. But it's a beautiful summer at all. We had 30 hot and sunny degrees all the time, yes

And then you should be in Leksand, right?

– Exactly. It's incredibly good here now.

Have you ever started training?

– Yes, I took a few weeks off immediately after the World Cup. Then I left as usual and I climbed up until it was time to go back to Nashville in September

But you also did a lot of things, we did it. We saw. Among other things, have you been in bed with lexiconist Stiko Per Larsson, who regularly hikes for the Children's Cancer Fund?

– Yes, it was a great experience. But difficult. Especially mentally. I followed for 27 kilometers and was completely out after. He himself has traveled a total of 70 miles, or whatever. Very impressive. But, above all, it is amazing that Per is pouring so much money into the child cancer fund this way. He does an extremely important job.

You were also in Russia at the World Cup?

– Yes, me and seven of my best friends went to Sochi and saw Sweden against Germany. It was an amazing experience too.

This match did not stop as much?

– No, it was only the last ten seconds that were not fun. By the way, we were absolutely terrified. Being with all the other Swedish fans around such a match, it was really something. And the team did it wrong anyway.

Just that. Now, Switzerland is waiting in the eighth. You know, you know how to hit big matches

– Ha ha, yes, yes, we managed to beat them in the final of the World Cup.

They say that over there it looks like a chance of revenge for the defeat of the World Cup in Copenhagen ….

– But I do not think that they l & # 39; get. This is obviously a bad match, traditionally, it has probably been a little easier to beat Switzerland in hockey than in football, but if Sweden continues as before, it has very good chances.

hockey finals, to penalize …

– Yes, that would not surprise me at all

What do you have for advice, for example, for your name Emil Forsberg? How do you put a sentence on Switzerland? You have one in the final of the World Cup

– Ha ha. Repeat and shoot. That's what I would do if I hit a football penalty

It's your salvation?

– Yes, ha ha.

Well, the rest of the summer, is there more fun than exercise?

– Oh, I just got married from Erik De La Rose in Norway (Erik is Jacob De La Roses elder brother, reds anm) and goes to Viktor Arvidsson's house in mid-July. 19659032] READ MORE

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