Film: See the greetings of the boys from inside the cave


The day before yesterday, rescuers joined the Thai football team, now sealed in a cave in Thailand for eleven days.

Now, the Thai Navy has released mobile equipment inside the cave.

READ MORE: The Thai football team was found – alive

The movies were published on the Navy's Facebook page and in the post with the video clip. the Navy writes, among other things, that the boys have food and water and that they send their wishes to their parents who have since looked at the cave

The boys and their coaches have been found and reported. to be in good health, we still do not know exactly when and how they can leave the cave system filled with water.

Three different methods are discussed. Either boys must be trained in advanced cave diving and go out through narrow passages and poorly viscous waters.

READ MORE: May take months to get the boys out of the cave

Another option discussed is to continue looking for alternative openings in the cave system. and dig a new hole that the boys can cross.

The third option, which the Thai authorities have already started to prepare, is to provide food and care for the boys in the cave until the water levels fall back. However, waiting for lower water levels may take months, according to the authorities, because heavy rains continue to rage in the region.

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