Finland does not have to be ashamed – "We had our hands full of our own great fires"


Interior Minister Kai Mykkänen believes that Finland does not have to be ashamed even though the decision on Finland's aid to extinction has been waiting for several weeks.

– We had our own fires here at Egentliga Finland and Lapland. We have dozens of forest fires in our country every day. For example, the most recent incident at Raja-Jooseppi in Salla devoured much of the rescue resources, says Interior Minister Kai Mykkänen (Saml).

Do not you think that Finland's reputation has been tarnished by the desire to help our neighbor in the West?

– No, I do not think so. On the contrary, the Swedish authorities have shown an understanding of the situation in Finland and the forest fires that have happened to us. We can not find ourselves in a situation where we have to ask for foreign aid ourselves because we are helping a neighboring country.

According to Mykkänen, the fact that volunteer firefighters are ready to extinguish less forest fires Finland. But the average age of volunteer firefighters is high and it is important to review the structure of our rescue service, he says.

European Relief

– One might ask, for example, if defense helicopters could be used more effectively also to extinguish forest fires. This is a challenge not only in Finland but also in other EU countries, "says Mykkänen.

He mentions the EU's readiness for a new directive aimed at improve the type of rescue operations underway in the European Commission Sweden

– The EU should set up an emergency service which, in cooperation with the European Monitoring Agency borders and coastguards Frontex, could coordinate the European Union's rescue efforts in the field of forest fires.According to Mr Mykkänen, the department could contact different EU countries and speed up the

According to Mr. Mykkänen, such a department would be composed of firefighters and rescue personnel from all EU to prioritize For example, if you had invested the last week in Greece or Sweden, Mykkänen asks rhetorically. [196] 59011]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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