Fires near Los Angeles


Peppe Öhman writes about the situation in a burned state in California.

In California, some of the most destructive fires ravage history. One in northern California and two in the Los Angeles area. In Malibu, northwest of Los Angeles, the entire city has been evacuated and horses, dogs, alpacas and other animals are found on the beaches. The size of the fires depends on the drought and the strong wind.

Thursday night in Malibu, the waiter asks the restaurant to hold our glasses so that they do not roll because of the strong wind of Santa Ana. Then we do not know yet that a small fire broke out in the Woolsey Canyon, east of us. When I go to the Topanga booth, northwest of Los Angeles, the next morning, the wind blows hard and I head straight for a big cloud of smoke. No traffic lights are working and the traffic is starting to come out. In the stable, all the horses have a white identification plate and the staff is preparing for the evacuation. However, no one is particularly worried. Up to here, it's blowing in the right direction, away from the stable.

Facts about fires

Currently, three major fires ravage California. Around Los Angeles, "Woolsey Four" and "Hill Fire" ravage an area of ​​about 142 square kilometers. In northern California, the fire is called "Camp Four". Outside of Los Angeles, firefighters found two people dead, but no confirmation was given if they died as a result of the fires. According to the weather forecast, the winds will increase even more between Sunday and Monday.

I go up and when I leave the stand a few hours later, the power has stopped working. There is no cover on mobile phones either. I drive slowly on the Pacific Coast Highway and when I reach the Pacific the traffic is huge. A long line of cars rings south of northern Malibu, where the fires are the worst. I meet at least ten fire trucks with sirens inflicted. The phone runs briefly and my husband rings to tell you that all the Malibu is evacuated. It also burns in Ventura County and Thousand Oaks, as well as in Griffith Park, where the Los Angeles Zoo is preparing to evacuate the animals. The cloud of smoke over Malibu is growing and on the radio, it is said that zero percent of the fires are under control.

Every year, California is hit by massive forest fires. You even talk about the forest fire season that falls every fall in September / October. Fires are a natural part of the life cycle to create a new place to live. The drought in California has nevertheless made the fires more violent and more widespread. The forest fire season also extends each year. This year, it started in early July, with a record summer and record heat. Ifjol extended the season until December, when, among other things, the Consulate General of Finland in Los Angeles had to cancel the Independence Party, because of the fire.

At CNN, experts warn that global warming will likely result in forest fires and forest fires all year round. presidential Donald Trump He attributes the fires solely to poor forest management and threatens to withdraw federal contributions to California.

The fires spread

Friday night we will go down to the beach and see the red-orange light fires north of Santa Monica. The next morning, the phone gets hot. Malibu friends sms us and calm us by telling them that they are safe. An animal friend from Topanga Canyon writes that she has received Malibu horses. One of the horses kicked on another, so he broke his leg and she is now waiting for the vet to come and kill the animal. Later in the day, she has to pack all her animals. The fire is getting closer. More than 150 houses have been burned in the area and more than 2,000 firefighters are fighting for firefighting. The new governor of California Gavin Newsom by announcing the urgency and soliciting federal contributions to control the fire.

On Saturday morning, local time, 250,000 people had to leave their homes, including musicians Lady Gaga and Cher, the Kardashian reality family, actors Alyssa Milano and Guillermo Del Toro. l & # 39; actor Charlie Sheen ask their parents, swallow and Janet, on Twitter. They are found much later on the beach of Zuma in Malibu. On the beaches of Malibu, horses, dogs, alpacas, donkeys and other animals are also placed temporarily. HBO announces that the Westworld TV show has burned. On Twitter, it is advisable to leave the sprinkler systems in the gardens.

In Santa Monica, the smoke smells and the authorities are asking us to stay inside. A second takes the plane to San Francisco and asks the pilot to warn him that the smell of smoke inside the plane will be unpleasant for a moment.

Weather forecasts predict lower winds during Saturday, local time, which will allow firefighters to ignite. Sunday and Monday, the wind will resume strength.

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