Flash used by United – Mourinho Juve supporters in mourning: "Wounded for 90 minutes"


Photo: Bildbyrån.

Try Again

In the player, the sport is seen with Ronaldo's 1-0 goal against United.

Jose Mourinho and his United stood up for a powerful turn.
After the last signal, the Portuguese could not resist the provocation of the local fans.
"I was engaged for 90 minutes," Mourinho told Sky Italia.

It was a win for Manchester United, 2-1, on the way to Juventus. A scourge and a powerful turn of the Premier League club, thus sparking the revolt of the last meeting of the team.

Both goals from United were scored in the end and José Mourinho coach did not hide his happiness on the bench. After the match, he then bypassed the plane, one hand behind the ear, which served as additional salt to the wounds of the players of Juventus.

This caused the players of Juve, who were soon to port of Portugal. Even the United player was at his post to dispel any commotion.

– I was insulted for 90 minutes. I came here to do my job, nothing else. I did not insult anyone at the end, I just made a gesture that showed that I wanted to hear them higher up. I probably should not have done that and with a little cold, I would not have done it, "Mourinho told Sky Italia.

At British BT, Mourinho says:

– I did not insult them. I just did a little thing. I respect Juventus, I respect their players, their manager. I respect everything. I am really proud of my players.

Juventus still occupy the table with nine points scored, followed by the second United with seven points.

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