Following Italy's tighter immigration policy: More than 1,000 migrants in Spain in just three days


SPAIN In just three days, Spain has welcomed more than 1,000 migrants arriving by boat over the Mediterranean. The new Italian government does not accept migrants by boat, which has made Spain the new popular destination for migrants.

Between Friday, July 20 and Sunday, July 22, more than 1,000 migrants arrived in Spain. TT

On Friday, 450 migrants arrived on Saturday 329 then, on Sunday, 465 migrants came from a score of smaller boats

Spain has become a popular country for migrants since the new government from Italy made up of Lega and Five Star. allows migrants to add their boats to Italian ports. The government has also reached an agreement with Libya that states that Italy does not accept migrants arriving by boat across the Mediterranean.

Italy's new policy has led Spain to become the country of arrival of migrants. Of the more than 50,000 migrants who crossed the Mediterranean in 2018, more than 18,000 arrived in Spain.

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